Charmed: Apocalypse, Not (2000)
Season 2, Episode 21
The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse
23 March 2007
San Francisco is in a chaotic situation, with riots everywhere. Piper and Leo find a mysterious man in the middle of the confusion, who vanishes when they chase him. Later, the Halliwell sisters prepare a spell assuming that they have to vanquish an Anarchy Demon, but they find that the man has three mates and they actually are the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse: War, Death, Famine and Strife. When they cast the spell in an alley, Prue and War disappears. Then Phoebe and Piper join to the three other horsemen trying to bring Prue and War back. But the sisters feel that they are making a mistake and they take the heartbreaking decision of sacrificing Prue for the good of mankind.

"Apocalypse, Not" is an episode with good moments, specially when Piper and Phoebe realize that they should sacrifice their own sister. This episode is funny and entertaining and has a good message in the end. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Apocalipse Não" ("Apocalypse Not")
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