Robin Hood (1991)
Not better than RH- Prince of Thieves by far
1 December 2005
For those that say this version that came out the same time as the Kevin Costner version was better, I don't know what movie you saw. While it put a different spin on the story as it added a lot of focus to the historical conflict between the Saxons and the Normans, it was simply an inferior films in all facets. By itself, it's a decent film but when you try and compare the two, I see obvious reasons why they chose to release the Kevin Costner version and limit this one to Europeon and video release. If I hadn't seen the KC version, I might have enjoyed it better but it just can't compare. The characters in the KC version were much more entertaining and memorable, I barely cared about some of the characters in this one and they made one the main villains a sympathetic character which I didn't particularly care for. While Patrick Bergin's Robin Hood might have been more enjoyable on it's own and Marian a stronger character in this version, the overall movie wasn't good enough to make it better than the Kevin Costner version. In Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves, the story and Alan Rickman's Sheriff of Nottingham were VERY entertaining as was Little John, Friar Tuck and the other members of Sherwood Forest much more so than the ones in this film. I think if it had been about something other than Robin Hood and been more a historical focus on the Norman and Saxon struggle, I would enjoyed it more. Like I said, this movie by itself is decent but if someone said I had to watch a Robin Hood movie and gave me a choice between this one and Kevin Costner's, I would pick KC's every time. And trust me, this is coming from someone who is not a Kevin Costner fan.
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