"Pursued" is a good mystery\thriller with some silly moments. Christian Slater stars as Vincent Palmer, a headhunter who recruits up-and-comers in the technology business. He does whatever it takes. This is the probably the first time Christian Slater plays a psycho. He plays it convincingly. He does such a excellent job, you root for him. Anytime Vincent is on-screen (which is most of the time)the movie has a lot of energy. The other main character is Ben Keats, played by Gil Bellows. Unfortunately, Ben is a two dimensional character who is a little too laid back. There are a couple of plot missteps like Ben getting a speech about secret cameras that could be in a pen and then the next scene is Ben getting a pen and he doesn't check for a camera. It's like he forgot the whole speech. The climax is exciting but a tad goofy. In the end: It's worth seeing for a great, hyped up performance by Christian Slater and a lot of other tension filled moments.
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