Review of Chicago Cab

Chicago Cab (1997)
Caught me waaay off guard
8 December 2000
A friend and I picked this movie for our usual Crappy Movie Friday, It's called Hellcab, the back says something about unusual/mysterious passengers, so you can't miss, right?

Well, it happened. Sure, we had planned for it, but we'd more or less forgotten our plan. "What if," we had figured, "what if we rent a movie that we -mistake- for a crappy movie and it turns out to be good?" That situation came up. We watched the movie in relative silence (as opposed to our usual nonstop riffage) and in the end found we really liked it. It wasn't horror at all. It wasn't anywhere near crappy. What to do?

We still don't know. But what I know anyway was that I really enjoyed it. The Cab Driver is a great actor and his facial expressions speak volumes. Oh, and John Cusack is hilarious and very creepy as the Scary Guy. (Too bad his role is so brief!)

Check this one out! Don't mistake it for a horror flick! 8.5 out of 10 on My Personal Scale.
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