This film begins with an attractive young woman by the name of "Erica" (Robinne Lee) working from home as a customer service representative for a major multi-conglomerate corporation. To that effect, she resolves customers complaints all day long yet still maintains a positive outlook. One particular concern, however, involves her boyfriend "Alex" (John Huertas) who she thinks might be cheating on her with an office colleague of his named "Amanda" (Amanda Crew). At least, that is what Erica's best friend "Sam" (Sara Rue) believes. Yet whenever she tries to inquire about Alex's relationship with Amanda, he immediately castigates her for daring to question his fidelity--which only makes her question their relationship even more. So, to help with her feelings of anxiety and isolation, Erica decides to call random people and strike up a long-distance friendship with them with one specific person named "Kyle" (Sam Jaeger) being particularly sympathetic to her plight. However, when her conversations with him bleed over into her normal work hours, she soon discovers that she has reached a point about whether she wants to continue in her current job--and her relationship with Alex--any further. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a fairly entertaining romantic-comedy due in large part to the acting of Robinne Lee who played her part to near perfection. Admittedly, the comedy isn't nearly as pronounced as it could have been but, even so, I enjoyed this film for the most part, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.