I actually bought Dracula's Curse(the U.S. title) on DVD a few months ago, but I never found it on IMDb. That is until I saw that this was actually just the film version of an Italian TV series. So I watched this the first night and I couldn't help but laugh more than a few times, like one of the opening lines "Mina, did you ever think we'd be in a magnificent ballroom in Budapest, Hungry?", it was so cheesy, especially the way the actor said it, along with how the voices are so preppy and outgoing. But you know what's strange? I actually continued to watch this film a couple times, it's so hypnotizing. While it remains faithful to the novel, with the exception that it's updated, it's just too mystery solving. But at the same time I enjoy it's cheesiness, I think we all need that movie in our lives where it's so ridicules that you can't help but enjoy it.
A group of friends in Budapest are about to celebrate their friend's, Jonathan and Mina, engagement. But Jonathan is helping out a client, Vlad Tepech to move out to Budapest. Guess what?! Vlad's a vampire! And he's after Jonathan's friends by tempting them with things that they dream of in the world to build an unstoppable army of vampires. But when he goes after Jonathan's fiancée, he's gone too far and now the gang is on a mission to destroy him once and for all.
The actors are a bit funny. We have the women, who actually are kind of fun in this film, the woman who played Lucy was funny, I loved her delivery of the line "How delicious!" to Mina about her engagement. Then we have the boys, oh, the boys didn't do so hot. Speaking of hot, Dracula wasn't sexy! I know it's a silly complaint, but isn't he supposed to be dashing or something? But then again, Gary Oldman wasn't that much of a sexy Dracula either, but that's besides the point. But for some reason this movie has me addicted, I still don't mind watching it. It's like chocolate cake, you know it's bad, but yet you can't help but enjoy it.