Jay Presson Allen का जन्म 3 मार्च 1922 को हुआ था।Jay Presson Allen एक लेखक और निर्माता थीं, जो काबरे (1972), Marnie (1964) और Deathtrap (1982) के लिए मशहूर थीं।उनकी मृत्यु 1 मई 2006 को हुई थी।
She always spoke warmly about Alfred Hitchcock, and said that she had learned a great deal from working with him. In addition to writing the script for "Marnie", she wrote a first-draft screenplay based on J.M. Barrie's play "Mary Rose", which Hitchcock was very keen to film. However, the film was never made.
I get up, and I write and I write, until I have to go to sleep; then I get up, eat something, then go back to work. I do a script very fast, because I don't stop. All day. All night, until I'm too sleepy.