"The Brothers Grunt" was a show that ran on MTV Back in 1994 and I never heard of this show until 2 years ago. The show was created by: Danny Antonnucci who is the Creator of Cartoon Network's Ed Edd n Eddy which he made after this show. The main plot of this show is about these things called grunts who are these gross creatures that are looking for their brother perry and the show feels like an acid trip I saw The first episode called "The Ceremony on Youtube thought it was gross. The animation is horrible the characters are gross and weird. Anyway the Show ran on MTV on from August 15,1994-April 9,1995 with 4 seasons and 35 episodes and thank goodness. BOTTOM LINE stay away from this horrible show. I'm rating this 0/10 stars. Anyway See you later. BYE. Updated as of March 1st, 2021