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- Un travestito sopravvive ai regimi nazisti e comunisti, avviando il movimento per i diritti gay in Germania. Un documentario con scene drammatizzate della vita di Charlotte von Mahlsdorf.
- At last filmmaker Otto Spalt wants to do what he has always dreamed of: the time has come to make his big feature film. There's just one little thing he still needs: the money. At the 189th board meeting of the Executive Committee for the Evaluation of Film Projects the combined expertise of a grotesque jury will decide Otto's future film. Will Otto manage to convince the panel of his artistic talent? Otto Spalt is relying wholly on the effects of his five short films, which he duly presents to the illustrious tribunal: a lavish production involving 5000 actors ("Phantom"), a sensitive melodrama addressing the question of the right direction in life ("Backwards"), a duel with the inherent violence of the flesh ("Meat Ball Pauli"), a breathtaking action-packed thriller ("Murder By Scissors") and a sizzling tale of espionage about micro- and potato-chips ("Close Up") are calculated to open the eyes and the purse of the Film Productions Committee.
- The tale of two South Africans, one white, one Black, who fought the Apartheid Government with the ANC's guerrilla army. Filled with humanity and bravery.
- Agitation fills the film studios at Heiligwalde. The film star Maria Loria has been stabbed to death with a pair of scissors. According to all evidence, her partner Roger Moon appears to have been the killer. But he swears that he is innocent. This is the great hour for commissioner Spalt and his assistant Edgar: A series of mysterious clues finally leads the investigation to a solution of the crime; after all, the existence of all those involved is at stake...
- The whole film was shot with a camera running backwards. The plot deals with the inversion of the dimension of time, with a world in which time suddenly moves backwards. Only one slightly secluded bachelor - Otto Trebert - has not yet caught on to this strange development. He alone continues to move forward and because of this abnormality he gets involved into terrible difficulties. One day he decides to do something against it.
- The course of things has changed overnight, and the world has become alien to Otto Trebert, the only "forward"-person remaining in it. He is becoming the odd one out and is bowled over by his contemporaries who suddenly live their lives running in the opposite direction. Unexpectedly things change for the better for Otto, or so it seems.