Finite element strength reduction analysis on slope stability based on ANSYS

Finite element strength reduction analysis on slope stability based on ANSYS

Bingbing Chen

College of Construction and Engineering, Jilin University 130026, China

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In this paper, we introduce a slope stability analysis method based on the finite element strength reduction method and discuss the basic principle of this method, physical significance of the safety factor, selection of yield criteria and criteria for slope failure. In the instance, we continuously reduce the slope strength parameter and then substitute it into the finite element program for slope stability calculation until the calculation does not converge. By this point, the reduction factor is the safety factor of the slope. The results show that, when the reduction factor keeps increasing and reaches a certain value, the plastic strain in the slope starts from the bottom to the top, putting the slope under the ultimate state. At this point, the reduction factor is the safety factor. The finite element strength reduction method is very applicable to slope stability analysis.


ANSYS Software, Strength Reduction, Slope Stability Analysis, Safety Factor

1. Introduction
2. Theories about the Finite Element Strength Reduction Method
3. Instance Analysis
4. Conclusions and Recommendations

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