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Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Tracking the impact of government support

The IEA has been monitoring fossil fuel subsidies for more than a decade. The Agency’s systematic analysis highlights their scale and characteristics. It also explores how removing inefficient fossil fuel subsidies could have a positive impact on energy markets, government budgets and efforts to tackle climate change.

At the height of the global energy crisis in 2022, fossil fuel subsidies soared to new heights. Those for natural gas and electricity consumption more than doubled compared with 2021, while oil subsidies rose by around 85%. The total value of subsidies declined in 2023 as some government provisions expired. Meanwhile, many others are tied directly to energy prices, which pulled back from record highs in many parts of the world. However, fossil fuel subsidies for consumers remain elevated compared with their historical averages.

While subsidies generally aim to make energy more affordable for consumers, many are poorly targeted and disproportionately benefit higher-income groups. Our data and analysis provide crucial insights for policy makers looking to pivot away from inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, a key objective set at forums such as COP and the G20.

Key findings

Fossil fuel subsidies hit record levels in 2022

In 2022, global subsidies for fossil fuel consumption exceeded $1 trillion for the first time, marking a significant increase. This surge was a result of disruptions in energy markets that led to international fuel prices surpassing the actual costs paid by many consumers. The unprecedented subsidies in 2022 were double those of 2021, which were already almost five times higher than the levels recorded in 2020. This jump was particularly pronounced due to the global energy crisis triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The IEA has long advocated removing or at least reducing fossil fuel subsidies because they distort markets, send the wrong price signals to users, widen fiscal deficits in emerging and developing economies, and discourage the adoption of cleaner renewable energies.

Value of fossil-fuel subsidies by fuel in the top 25 countries, 2022


Distortions in today’s energy system favour incumbent fuels

The need to keep energy affordable is a reason why many governments intervene to keep regulated fuel and electricity prices low. During the global energy crisis, short-term affordability measures soared. By April 2023, these expenditures reached some $900 billion in direct grants, vouchers, tax reductions and price regulations.

In 2023, governments – especially in emerging and developing economies – continued to heavily subsidise the use of fossil fuels, spending $620 billion. This amount is significantly above the $70 billion that was spent on support for consumer-facing clean energy investments including grants or rebates for electric vehicles, efficiency improvements or heat pumps.

Fossil fuel consumption subsidies, 2015-2023

Our work

The IEA has been monitoring fossil fuel subsidies for more than a decade. The Agency’s systematic analysis highlights the scale of these subsidies, as well as how removing inefficient fossil fuel subsidies could have a positive impact on energy markets, government budgets and efforts to tackle climate change. This work is a crucial input for policymakers, including at key international forums and processes such as the G20 and COP.

The IEA estimates subsidies to fossil fuels that are consumed directly by end-users or consumed as inputs to electricity generation (see explanation of the price-gap methodology). A time series of these estimates from 2010, by country and fuel, is available as a free download. This database also now separates out the country-by-country estimates for subsidies to the transport sector.

Alongside these estimates of fossil-fuel consumption subsidies, the IEA also collaborates with the OECD to produce a joint estimate that includes measures that provide a benefit or preference for fossil fuel production.

Methodology and assumptions

The IEA estimates subsidies to fossil fuels that are consumed directly by end-users or consumed as inputs to electricity generation. The price-gap approach, the most commonly applied methodology for quantifying consumption subsidies, is used for this analysis.

This approach compares average end-user prices paid by consumers with reference prices that correspond to the full cost of supply. The price gap is the amount by which an end-use price is short of the reference price. Its existence indicates the presence of a subsidy. In a given economy, the basic calculation of subsidies for a product is:

Subsidy = (Reference price - End-user price) × Units consumed

These calculations require substantial data. End-user price and consumption data are drawn from IEA data and, where necessary, from government sources and other reports. The estimates are also sensitive to reference prices, which are calculated based on international prices. Electricity reference prices are derived from annual average-cost pricing (see the section below for more on how reference prices are calculated).

For economies that export a given fossil-energy product but charge less for it domestically, the domestic subsidies are implicit; they have no direct budgetary impact, so long as the price covers the cost of production. The subsidy, in this case, is recorded as the opportunity cost – or the rent that could be recovered if domestic consumers paid world prices, adjusting for differences in variables such as transportation costs. For net importers, subsidies measured via the price gap approach may be explicit, representing budget expenditures arising from the domestic sale of imported energy at subsidised prices, or implicit. Many economies rely extensively on domestically produced fuels but import the remainder. In such cases, subsidy estimates represent a combination of opportunity costs and direct expenditures.

Estimates using the price gap approach capture only interventions that result in final prices for end users below what would prevail in a competitive market. They do not, for example, capture subsidised research and development, or subsidies for fossil fuel production. These estimates therefore understate total fossil fuel subsidies, as well as their impact on economic efficiency and trade.

Despite these limitations, the method is a valuable tool for estimating subsides and for undertaking comparative analysis across economies to support policy development.

Our estimates for fossil fuel subsidies are based on benchmark prices.

For net importers of oil, natural gas and coal, these are based on the import parity price: the price of a product at the nearest international hub, adjusted for quality differences, if necessary, plus the cost of freight and insurance to the net importer, plus the cost of internal distribution and marketing and any value-added tax (VAT). VAT was added to the reference price where the tax is levied on final energy sales, as a proxy for the tax on economic activities levied across an economy. Other taxes, including excise duties, are not included in the reference price.

For net exporters of oil, natural gas and coal, reference prices are based on the export parity price: the price of a product at the nearest international hub, adjusted for quality differences if necessary – minus the cost of freight and insurance back to the net exporter, plus the cost of internal distribution and marketing and any VAT.

Reference prices are adjusted for quality differences, which affect the market value of a fuel. Reference prices are assumed to be below observed import prices in some cases.

All calculations are carried out using local prices and the results are converted to US dollars at market exchange rates.

Unlike oil, gas and coal, electricity is not extensively traded over national borders, so there is no reliable international reference price. Therefore, electricity reference prices are based on annual average-cost pricing for electricity in each country (weighted according to output levels from each generating option). In other words, electricity reference prices are set to account for the cost of production, transmission and distribution, but no other costs, such as allowances for building new capacity. They are determined using reference prices for fossil fuels and annual average fuel efficiencies for power generation.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Clean Energy Transitions: Time for a New Approach?

The IEA has long described fossil fuel subsidies as a roadblock on the path to cleaner and more secure energy systems and provided data and advice to support their removal. This report explores the potential benefits of a new “price gap-plus” approach to calculating subsidies, which it finds could better reflect the environmental costs of fossil fuels.