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Recovery, transformation and resilience plan / Urban and rural agenda (I) / Component 2: Housing renovation and urban renewal plan

Last updated: 25 May 2023

Spain submitted its recovery and resilience plan in April 2021 to the European Commission.  


Within the first pillar of the plan, one component relates to the rehabilitation and the retrofit of public and private buildings. The measure is composed of the following initiatives:


- Implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda

- Long-term strategy for energy renovation in the building sector 

- Housing law

- Law of the quality of architecture and the built environment

- Renovation offices

- Improved funding for renovation initiatives

- Rehabilitation programs in residential zones

- Energy efficient buildings for social housing programme

- Energy rehabilitation of buildings (PREE)

- Regeneration demographic challenge programme

- Program to promote the renovation of public buildings (PIREP)

- Aid program for the preparation of pilot projects of local action plans of the Spanish Urban Agenda


Overall, EUR 6.82 billion are expected to be spent in insulation and in efficient new buildings between 2020 and 2023.


In July 2021, the budget for the initiative Energy renovation of buildings (PREE) was extended from EUR 300 Million to 402.5 Million over the course of 2020 to 2023. 

In March 2022, a EUR 600 million call for rehabilitation of public buildings was launched.

Want to know more about this policy ? Learn more (Spanish)