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Press and promotions
Request data, interviews, or access the content of a report as a journalist
If you wish to get free access to a paid IEA report (not including the OMR) then you can request a "press" profile from your user settings by clicking the User Profile icon in the top right of the main menu and clicking "Settings".
If you need to access data from a data service, please contact [email protected], specifying the data you need.
To request an interview, please contact our press team directly [email protected].
Finding out about the IEA's calendar of publications and events
The IEA calendar of publications and events is always available on our website. Journalists can consults the list of past and upcoming events, publications and news from our newsroom.
The IEA press team also regularly sends press advisories to journalists listed in our database.
IEA photo galleries
Photos from IEA events can be found in our photo gallery. Photos listed as copyright 'International Energy Agency' are available for download and may be reused with appropriate attribution, unless otherwise noted.
Photos of our Executive Director Fatih Birol, can be found here.
A question about the IEA list of publications, events or promotions?
For any further questions related to IEA publications, events or promotions, please contact the IEA press team directly.