Write For Us

Apply to join our team of journalists by using the short form below.

What We’re Looking For:

  • Passion for technology and Apple products.
  • Keen ability to keep the audience in mind. Since our articles can affect the perspective of millions, it’s important that our writers have a deep understanding of Apple, the communication industry, emerging technologies, mobile apps, etc.
  • Pride in your work and the ability to write factually. Rumors aside, we insist on publishing factual information.
  • Proficiency in the English language is an absolute must. We require flawless grammar and well-structured writing.

If you think you’re a good fit for iDrop News, please email our editor ([email protected]) or fill out the form below. In your message, please include information about yourself, your availability and links to other works you’ve published or excerpts of your writing.

[contact-form-7 id=”30132″ title=”Write For Us”]

Topics We Cover:


We publish the latest and most accurate news as it relates to Apple and the tech industry.

How To

Our “How To” section is dedicated to helping our audience use and make the most out of their Apple products. We look for writers who are tinkerers and stay up to date with the latest features of iOS and macOS.


In this section, we speculate on yet to be released Apple products.


We publish reviews for newly released hardware and software products from Apple and other tech manufacturers.


We cover the latest mobile app news, tips, and recommendations.


Can I submit articles I’ve already published?

Our content must be unique. While we know that other websites may cover some of the same topics, we will not publish duplicate content. Please do not submit content that has been, or will be, published by another news organization or blog.

How am I credited?

We credit our authors under the title of all our articles. The author’s name is hyperlinked to their profile page, which displays the author’s name, a profile image, a short author bio, and a list of their recent posts published on iDrop News. Find more information on our publishing guidelines page.

May I republish iDrop News articles?

You grant a license to iDrop News to be the exclusive publisher of the article. You may republish short extracts online – for example on your own site – however, the article in its entirety should not appear elsewhere.