Stockholm Art Fair 2021 poster

Artist Catherine Latane’s punched-tin lantern was photographed by Midge Bolt for the 2021 Stockholm Art Fair collector's poster.

A grand summertime tradition returns to the shores of Lake Pepin with the 47th Stockholm Art Fair on Saturday, July 17. 

More than 90 new and returning artists have been juried into the one-day festival 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Stockholm Village Park. They will showcase work in all media including pottery, metal sculpture, jewelry, painting, printmaking, photography, fiber, wood, and glass. Former coordinators and longtime exhibiting artists Linda Day- Dunlap and Jean Accola will return as judges for the artists’ awards.

Accompanying them will be a diverse lineup of musical performers gracing the stage throughout the day. All have played at a festival in the past.

Beginning at 10 a.m. Greg Herriges will present “Progressive Whirled Music” followed by Stockholm Art Fair music program coordinators and international chart-topping duo Patchouli and Terra Guitarra. Guitarist, bouzoukist, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and composer, Herriges is author of seven internationally published music books. Whirled music is sometimes described as a performance with spinning and twisting instrumentation.

After the artist awards announcements at 1:30 p.m., brother-led acoustic folk musicians Trapper Schoepp will take the stage. Perennial favorites Yata, Sinz, & Orfield will close out the festival.

Fine local food vendors will be providing eats and treats onsite. Adding to the family-friendly fun this year, professional clown Vinnie Van Goof who “paints hearts and minds with laughter and delight” will preside over the children’s activities area. 

Artist Catherine Latane’s punched-tin lantern was photographed by Midge Bolt and chosen as the image for Stockholm Art Fair 47’s iconic poster designed by Jan Eckhart of Fuego Design. It is a fitting and welcoming beacon for all the artists, musicians, volunteers, and attendees to reconnect and to celebrate creativity and community again, organizers said.

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