Bianchi family

Eric and Linda Bianchi, current owners of Bianchi Stone Crafters, with some of their marble, granite and quartz countertops.

For three generations, northern Vermonters have turned to Bianchi Stone Crafters as a trusted source for all things granite.

That trust, built up over 100 years of treating customers right, is something the family takes great pride in.

“We pride ourselves on leaving our customers satisfied,” said Eric Bianchi, who owns the business with his sister Laura. They are the third generation of Bianchis to have owned the business, which features all kinds of monuments (often referred to as gravestones or headstones), countertops and stonework (including projects like fireplace surrounds). 

The Bianchi family’s history of working with granite and stone dates back to 1898. That’s when Rudolpho Bianchi, at the age of 12, began training in stonework in northern Italy. 

In 1904, he immigrated to the United States and arrived in Vermont by 1911. 

“He came over with $10 in his pocket with his wife and three kids,” Eric Bianchi said.

He was eventually able to buy into a granite business in Barre and later became its owner. At that time, he launched the family business that is still in operation today. 

Eventually, Rudolpho’s son Rildo took over and then, 32 years ago, Eric and Laura stepped in to run the family business.

Why chose Bianchi Stone Crafters?

There are obviously plenty of choices when it comes to products like countertops, including some big box stores. Choosing Bianchi Stone Crafters over those kinds of stores comes with several advantages, Eric Bianchi said. 

Price is obviously a factor and the big box stores often have an advantage there – but not all the time.

“Our pricing is really good,” Bianchi said. “Sometimes we’re less than them. Not every time, but we do offer a bigger variety than they do. They have their set 40 to 50 colors. We offer a couple hundred, and more.”

Next are the terms.

“They make you pay for everything up front before they do anything,” Bianchi said. “We ask people to pay 50 percent up front, and the balance when they’re happy.”

Then there’s the education that customers can get from the experts at Bianchi Stone Crafters.

“I don’t know how many times people have said, ‘You guys have educated us so much more, as far as learning the difference between granite, marble and synthetic stones, and the dos and don’ts of these products,” he said. “I can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard people say, ‘You know you’re a couple hundred dollars more, but we’re going to go with you.’”


One of the most popular items at Bianchi Stone Crafters are marble, granite and quartz countertops. 

Not everyone in the family, though, was on board with the company adding the products three decades ago. Bianchi’s mother, Frances, was the main detractor when the product line was being considered.

“My mom said, ‘Who is going to spend that kind of money on stone countertops?’” Eric Bianchi remembers. “You know what? I gotta say, that was the first time she was ever wrong.”

Of course, customers these days know there are a lot of different price points for stone countertops, and one is available for almost any budget. 

The retail store in Essex, opened by Eric’s parents, was a great decision, allowing the company to showcase products like its countertops.

The fourth generation?

Bianchi Stone monument

Bianchi Stone Crafters is known for their quality-crafted monuments. The family’s history of working with granite and stone dates back to 1898.

It appears as though the business could soon be led by a fourth generation of Bianchis. Eric has three children, Paul, Francesca and Luciano, and he expects that at least a few of them will be interested in carrying on the family business. 


To learn more about the business, call 802-879-7108 or visit their website at

This is paid content. Reach out to general manager Ray Paul at [email protected] to learn more.

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