Wisconsin voters will be asked on our Aug. 13, 2024 ballots whether to make two more changes to our state constitution. Please vote “NO” on both constitutional amendments on your August 13 ballot.

If approved in the August 13 election, questions one and two together would require the state legislature to pass a joint resolution before the governor could accept federal funds appropriated to meet Wisconsin’s needs and before the governor could release federal funds to where they are needed in our communities.

After comprehensive analysis of what these constitutional amendments would do, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin recommends voting “NO.” Groups also recommending “NO” votes include the River Alliance of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Wisconsin, Wisconsin Education Association Council, Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments & Board, Wisconsin Public Health Association, and Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, among others. The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin recommends you vote “NO” on both these constitutional amendments because their effects would be to add unneeded red tape that would delay delivery of federal funds we all rely on during emergencies in our communities.

We Wisconsinites quickly lend a hand to our neighbors in our communities when there’s an emergency. We expect our government to do the same with our tax dollars when our communities need help in an emergency. But experience shows us we can’t rely on our legislature to quickly meet and vote to pass any necessary action. Don’t stop our governor from doing what needs to be done to help our communities when it needs to be done. Vote “NO” on both constitutional amendments on your Aug. 13 ballot.

Celeste Koeberl, JD, MA Town of Hudson

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