I have been reading the Star-Observer for three to four years now and have been growing tired of the mostly "left of center" opinions that have been printed. As a conservative, I welcome opinions and ideas from my friends on the left. However, when that is all I read, it gets a little tiring. In the last 2-3 weeks, I have found a refreshing new guest column by a young man named Aaron Daigle. I enjoy reading his columns as they conform to my way of thinking. One week's (Thursday, May 30) edition contains a couple of letters calling for the removal of Daigle's column. Why? Just because you don't agree with his thinking or his opinions, doesn't mean he's wrong or "misplaced." As I mentioned above, I have been reading liberal columns and letters to the editor since subscribing to this publication. I always try to find something in said letters, to learn from. It doesn't always happen, but I try. If you really don't like Mr. Daigle's opinion, then don't read it. But to call for the removal of his column because you disagree with it is not what we call Freedom of Speech. Mr. White, I respectfully request that you keep Mr. Daigle's column in the paper for as long as he wishes to write it. Thank you,

Jack Dempsey 

River Falls 

(1) comment

Aaron Daigle

Thanks for your support Jack! Best regards.

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