I am writing to express my deep appreciation for the Kinnickinnic River, our cherished natural resource in River Falls. The Kinni is not only a picturesque feature of our landscape but also a vital component of our community’s ecological and recreational life. The river provides habitat for diverse wildlife and offers residents and visitors unparalleled opportunities for fishing, kayaking, and enjoying the serene beauty of nature.

Readers should know our treasured Kinni and the watershed faces a significant threat from a proposed porta potty business in the Urban Zone (part of the ETZ) upstream and east of the city on County Road M. The introduction of such a facility poses severe risks to the water quality and overall health of the Kinni. Potential contamination from waste management operations (don’t say it can’t or won’t happen!) could have devastating effects on the river’s delicate ecosystems and the wellbeing of our community. What will be the scale of this business? Do the owners intend to expand? The building under construction is large, 74’ x 150’ and includes high bay doors. Of concern is that the property includes two ponds, clay soils and a feeder stream to the South Fork.

I know of no one in our community that doesn’t hold the Kinnickinnic River in high regard. Indeed, we celebrate the river in our daily lives and activities. The City of River Falls is named after the waterfalls and the city website is replete with maps, promotion, information and ordinances addressing the Kinni. To think that there may be a liquid waste facility in the watershed where there is not an installed and operational feed to the municipal wastewater treatment facility is appalling. The operation is better suited for the industrial park.

Preserving the purity and vitality of the Kinni is essential not only for our environment, but also for maintaining the quality of life in River Falls. I urge our city planners and community members to carefully consider the long-term impacts of this proposed business and prioritize sustainable practices that safeguard our precious natural resources. This porta potty business is a good business in a bad location. 


Greg Erickson


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