I moved to Hudson in 2016. In that time, the Hudson School District has made some outrageously contradictory claims, all to the tune of millions of dollars in taxpayer dollars. In 2016, the community voted in favor of raising taxes to make improvements to the high school due to projected increases in enrollment. 

In 2023, the school district again came to the community asking to close two elementary schools because enrollment was predicted to – surprise, surprise – decrease and funds were not available to keep the said schools open. Somehow we got over this whiplash and gave the school district what it wanted: more money.

This last spring, the School District announced that it desired the community’s input in a series of community conversations. The topics were vague, but it was promised that a new referendum was not being discussed. So, imagine my surprise — at this point I’m not shocked, actually — when I received the June 2024 Superintendent’s Message and discovered that the district is again claiming to need more money to avoid budget shortfalls.

Why in the world should we be asked to shell out more money to a district that has at best taken bad advice on enrollment and at worst outright lied to its constituents? It seems to me that the school district has given us very little reason to trust it. It’s time to say no.

Katherine Wheeler 


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