Poll 7.JPG

A woman fills out her ballot at Hudson High School. Elections are being held for city council, mayoral, board of supervisors and school board contests in Pierce and St. Croix county.

As election season ramps up in the months ahead, we urge everyone throughout the St. Croix Valley and beyond to engage one another with honesty, respect and curious humility, particularly when engaging with people who have differing perspectives and experiences. 

In this season of great division and discord, we must refuse to participate in or affirm any efforts to demonize or dehumanize others, including those who think, look or live differently than us. We call upon all, particularly those who share our allegiance to Jesus, to embody an unwavering commitment to honor and uphold the sacred worth of every individual. Scripture is clear: every person bears God’s image, and this status is the basis for the dignity to be afforded all.

We firmly believe that peaceful dialogue and discourse grounded in mutual respect and understanding are key to a healthy society. Any engagement in or encouragement of violence, aggression or intimidation of others goes against the teachings of Jesus. 

We want more for Hudson. We encourage you to join us in rejecting the simplistic caricatures that are manufactured to promote division — and instead seek the goodwill of all.

Please demonstrate proper gratitude toward those who serve in our polling places and ensure free and fair elections through their diligence.

Signed, the Members of the Hudson Area Ministerial Association:

Rev. Dr. Kendra Grams, First Presbyterian Church

Rev. Dr. Heather Hill, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Rev. Dr. Dawn Jeffers Ramstad, Hudson United Methodist Church

Pastor Kris Kurzejeski, Bethel Lutheran Church

Pastor Ladd Sonnenberg, Bethel Lutheran Church

Rev. Carolyn Staats, Mt. Zion Lutheran Church

Pastor Larry Szyman, Faith Community Church 

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