Menomonie School's operational referendum — intended to help with staffing, equipment, programming and other measures — failed to pass after Tuesday's election as approximately 59% of the voters answered "No" to the question on the ballot. 

The Menomonie Minute reported that the Menomonie School District’s enrollment declined from 3,472 in the 2019-2020 school year to 3,365 for the 2022-2023 school year.

And just because students left, doesn't mean they can cut back on spending. And with its referendum rejected, the schools will have a harder time trying to cover those costs. 

Menomonie Superintendent Joe Zydowsky told the Leader-Telegram: "We know next year we are going to have a multiple-million dollar deficit." 

The school district has an October deadline to set next year's budget, according to WEAU 13 News. The school's referendum asked to exceed its levy limits by $4.2 million annually.

Note: Menomonie is in Dunn County, but there are voters in the towns of Cady and Springfield (both in St. Croix County) who can vote on its referendum.

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