Deana Wuotila, Hillside Elementary’s new principal.

Deana Wuotila, Hillside Elementary’s new principal. 

Starting July 1, 2024, students and staff at Hillside Elementary will have new leadership. 

That’s when Deanna Wuotila takes over as principal at the New Richmond Elementary School. Wuotila comes to Hillside by way of Castle Elementary School in Oakdale, Minn., where she most recently served as Dean of Students.

Wuotila earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, her Master’s degree from Hamline University, and Administrative credentials from Concordia University in St. Paul, Minn.

Wuotila has more than 24 years of experience, having taught at both the elementary and middle school levels while serving in various leadership roles, includingInstructional Coach and Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Adviser.

Superintendent Dr. Troy Miller welcomed Wuotila, making note of her experience and background, which align directly with the district’s new strategic plan and goals.

“Ultimately, when I think of Deanna, she is a relational leader. She is an extremely hard worker. She has high expectations for herself, her staff and students. She is a champion for all students to be successful. We’re so excited to have her here.,” Miller said.

Wuotila credentials include extensive training in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), culturally and linguistically responsive teaching and learning, Cognitive Coaching and Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP®).

Even though Wuotila does not officially start until July1, she has already participated in teacher interviews and the Dean and intervention position. 

“I’ve been able to meet with teachers and students and staff and it’s been incredible. I’ve been received with a warm welcome …One of the things that I really appreciate is that fearless pursuit. I really look forward to leading by example in the fearless pursuit, every student, every day. Thank you so much for this opportunity,” Wuotila said.

In her free time, Wuotila enjoys spending time at the cabin with her family, as well as fishing, hiking, traveling, reading and gardening.

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