Hunt Electric "Big Baer" Facility Building


“We want to be a business that’s part of the community.” 

Hunt Electric’s newest facility “Big Baer” of their Baer Manufacturing division, settles into their home of Hudson. Following their recent ribbon cutting and open house, Keith Colvard, chief operating officer of Hunt Electric, shares his insight on the facility and goals moving forward in their community. 

Hunt Electric, based in Bloomington, Minnesota, isn’t new to the Hudson area. In 2020, the electrical design and build and maintenance firm moved its prefabrication operations “Little Baer” to Hudson. Following such, Hunt Electric purchased land next to “Little Baer” to build the 250,000-square-foot facility “Big Baer” that opened earlier this month. 

“In Hudson, we are more competitive,” Colvard said. “And there’s more room.” With “Big Baer” Colvard is looking forward to fulfilling 170 employment opportunities. 

Hunt Electric is also striving to expand their western, Wisconsin presence. Their ambition will lead them to become a “viable [company] in the future,” Colvard stated. 

Currently, they are a prefabrication company, but they are eager to produce “electrical products and more” and to “serve any industry.” 

The community has been “very open” to Hunt’s newest addition, but Colvard wants to be a good neighbor to locals in the area. Colvard is doing so by joining the Hudson Chamber of Commerce. “[We’d] like to give back to the community.” 

Volunteering, being a part of outreach programs and engaging with local opportunities are some ways that the faces of “Big Baer” and Hunt Electric will show their gratitude for their Hudson community. 

The facility is located on 924 Daily Road, Hudson. 

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