Hudson Police Department

The entryway into the Hudson Police Department. Photo: Jack White/Star-Observer.

Madison Bergmann is accused of having had an inappropriate relationship with one of her students when she was a teacher at River Crest Elementary in the Hudson School District. 

On Monday night, the Hudson School Board accepted her resignation. 

Bergmann, 24, faces one count of first-degree child sexual assault with a child under the age of 13, according to charging documents.

Prior to the decision, the school district had already placed Bergmann on unpaid administrative leave. 

The Criminal Complaint says that police were presented with screenshots of multiple text conversations between the victim and Bergmann, and it was the victim’s father who presented those texts to authorities.

Since being arrested, Bergmann has appeared in court and has been released on an unsecured $25,000 bond ahead of a May 30 court date.

Note: This is a breaking news story, so the Hudson Star-Observer could update this article with more information as the story develops.

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