Carmichael Road in Hudson. The City Council recently approved lowering the speed limit in the area. Photo: Jack White/Star-Observer.

Citing safety concerns on Carmichael Road, the Hudson City Council elected to lower the speed limit to 35 miles per hour, a decrease of 10 miles per hour.

Mike Mroz, Director of Public Works, said at Monday's City Council meeting that Hudson is also implementing traffic signal upgrades — flashing, yellow arrow signals — where Carmichael Road intersects with Center Drive and Hanley Road. Mroz added that the project is expected to begin Aug. 4 and that it should help with some of the traffic crashes the city has been seeing. 

“To kind of keep the entire stretch consistent, focusing on vehicle safety, less crashes, the staff is recommending we change kind of that whole corridor to 35 miles per hour,” Mroz said at the meeting. 

The city has parts of Vine Street closed off due to road work at the moment, which makes driving in that area more difficult. The council approved the same speed limit reduction on Carmichael Road between Coulee Road and Faith Community Church at its June 21, 2021, Common Council meeting. 

Quick hits

  • The council met in closed session, only to reconvene and reopen the  Finance Director position. In short, the city did not hire a new Finance Director. 

  • And while the council approved the conditional use permit for Hudson Healing Massage, Mayor Rich O’Connor said “We’ve had problems in town here before with massage parlors.” Later, he added: “I just wanted to put a little warning out there; we’re watching.” 

  • The City Council’s next meeting is Aug. 5.

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