mural Phipps
A celebration of the new mural, where attendees gathered on the north lawn of the Phipps to witness the art. Photo: Jack White/Star-Observer.

The Phipps Center for the Arts started in 1984 — and the museum commissioned a mural outside its north wall to celebrate the 40th anniversary. 

“It gives us a lot of space to make kind of an impact on the community and have a public-facing art,” said Lee Ann Pomplas, the Phipps’ Arts Engagement Director. 

The arts center wanted to tie in regional history with the piece. Professional artist Thomasina TopBear named the mural Wičhóuŋčhaǧe: Generations, The Growth of People. 

Before she created the work, TopBear asked members of the Phipps community what art means to them. Then, she made the piece with those thoughts in mind — in addition to her indigenous culture and imagery of the St. Croix landscape.

“My hope is that this inspires the artists in all of us, of any age, to create and make change for the greater good of our communities so we can build together,” TopBear said on Instagram after the artwork was completed. 

The mural also tries to highlight various aspects of the Phipps: theater, music, dance and visual arts, for instance.

“I think murals can share a sense of community, right? Because like the mural here, lots of people are going to experience that as they're walking by,” Pomplas said. “Say they're going down to the beach, or they're going to the park, or they're going to the library or they’re coming to the Phipps so everybody sees it — it's in a public space.”

And if they’re going to the Phipps, Pomplas has a suggestion: Shari Albers’ “The Widow Series.” Albers is an illustrator and artist who examines the grief from her husband’s death through her latest work. Those interested can see her art in gallery No. 3 at the Phipps until Aug. 4. The arts center, located at 109 Locust Street, is open from Monday to Saturday — 9:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. — and on Sunday from Noon to 5 p.m.

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