“Soup and Bake Sale” event.
Students, parents and community members have been working with teachers from the art departments at various schools helping them sculpt works of art to be sold during the “Soup and Bake Sale” event. Photo: Tom Lindfors

The New Richmond Empty Bowls Event begins with a food drive at all of the district schools and various businesses around town Monday, March 11 and concludes Friday, March 15, with the food drive collection.

Students, parents and community members have been working with teachers from the art departments at various schools helping them sculpt works of art to be sold during the “Soup and Bake Sale” event. The sale will take place Thursday evening, March 14, at the New Richmond High Commons from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Purchases can be made in-person at the High School or online at the Community Education website: Soup and Bake Sale.

And 100% of the proceeds from the soup and bake sale go to the support of the school district's Happy Kids Backpack Program (HKBP).

HKBP provides backpacks filled with food on Friday afternoons to children experiencing hunger in their homes. The program currently delivers more than 70 backpacks to students on a weekly basis. The program also educates families on healthy meals.   

Other events during the week include Wide Hats for Hunger, Tuesday, March 12, featuring students and community members sporting hats to draw attention to the issue of hunger in the community.

Wednesday, March 13, is Sponsor a Family Day. A one-time donation of $15 feeds a family for one week or make a $50 donation to feed a family for a month. 

(1) comment

Richard Faulkner

From Empty Bowls to Happy Backpacks, a true double whammy of community spirit in action! Great great story Tom Lindfors✅✅

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