The Fruit Truck

The Fruit Truck delivers fresh fruit straight from family farms to towns across the US. 

The Fruit Truck delivers fresh fruit from small, family-owned American farms directly to consumers, resulting in full flavor and nutritional value in each bite.

Founder and CEO Irina Kleinsasser explained how the company’s approach ensures the fruit remains fresh and flavorful.

“Because of the traditional grocery store supply chain business model, the produce you find in your traditional grocery store can be disappointing. We eliminate disappointment by bringing you fresh fruit straight from the farm with no middleman,” Kleinsasser said.

While grocery store fruits are often treated with preservatives and stored in warehouses for extended periods of time, all fruits supplied by The Fruit Truck are non-GMO and are transported directly from family-run farms to various towns across the United States.

By partnering with these farms, The Fruit Truck provides a variety of seasonal fruits including Georgia peaches in June and July, Colorado peaches in August, Washington cherries throughout the summer, and apricots and Florida strawberries in February and March.

Currently, the company offers a special deal: a 20-pound box of fresh peaches for $45.

The Fruit Truck visits 15 states and makes stops in more than 60 cities across Minnesota. To see when the truck will be in specific areas and what fruit will be available, check the full schedule at

Customers can sign up for delivery at and join The Fruit Truck Minnesota Facebook group for updates.

The Fruit Truck is part of the Hudson Star Observer sponsored content program called Spotlight.

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