Kinnickinnic Church

Kinnickinnick Church is more than 150 years old and is located at 1276 County Road J, River Falls.

A number to know

19. The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents has appointed a 19-member Search and Screen Committee to help identify the next UW System president. Tommy Thompson has been serving in an interim role since July 1, 2020. 

The group starts to meet in August. Selection will take several months.

Quote to know

“Do it now, for yourself and the people you care about. For your neighborhood, for your country. It sounds corny, but it’s the patriotic thing to do.” -- President Joe Biden, talking about COVID-19 vaccinations

Good to know

Mark your calendar. The annual Historic Kinnickinnic Church Ice Cream Social will be 2-6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 1, in the churchyard on County Road J, less than a mile off of Highway 65, River Falls. 

Ice cream, pies, root beer floats, music and tours are planned.  

Proceeds support the over 150-year-old church, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Need to know

The St. Croix County Board showed its support for expanding Medicaid as part of the Wisconsin state budget in a 15-3 vote Tuesday.

The motion was mainly about taking a symbolic stand, as the budget is currently on the governor’s desk awaiting approval.  That stand is still an important one to take, Economic Support Administrator Ronda Brown said. An approval of the expansion would mean increased behavioral health services locally and across the state.

Nice to know

The University of Wisconsin-River Falls will benefit significantly from funding in the 2021-23 Wisconsin state budget, which was signed into law this week by Gov. Tony Evers. 

“My deep appreciation goes to our legislature and to Governor Evers for their understanding of the value of UW System and UW-River Falls as evidenced in the 2021-23 biennial budget,” said UWRF Interim Chancellor Connie Foster. “Our students, faculty, staff and the employers in our region all stand to benefit from the support that the State of Wisconsin has provided.”

UW-River Falls will especially benefit from the $111 million in capital funds for the Science and Technology Innovation Center. The campus will also benefit from funding for initiatives such as the Freshwater Collaborative and funding for ag extension agents, in addition to a state pay plan that foresees two 2% increases. 

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