If you miss premium payments, you must pay your balance in full before your plan’s grace period ends to keep your plan. Grace periods vary depending on your plan and tax credits.
For most ACA plan members:
If you don’t pay your first premium within 20 days of the bill’s due date, your plan will be canceled. If you pay your first premium but miss other payments, the grace period is 30 days after the bill’s due date.
We’ll hold any claims submitted during the grace period. If you pay all missed premiums, these claims will be processed and paid normally. If you don’t pay all missed premiums during the grace period, your plan will be canceled, the claims will be denied, and you’ll have to pay for them.
Avoid missed premium payments by setting up automatic payments.
For ACA plan members with an Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC):
If you miss a payment, the grace period is 90 days after the bill’s due date. Claims will be paid for covered services received during the first month of the grace period.
If premiums remain unpaid after the first month of the grace period, CMS typically expects that health plans will begin pending claims for services received during the next two months. However, HMSA will continue to receive claims during the three-month grace period to allow you to catch up on any late premium payments. If you don’t pay all missed premiums during the grace period, your plan will be canceled, subsequent claims received during the second and third month of the grace period will be denied, and your provider may balance bill you for them.
Avoid missed premium payments by setting up automatic payments.