Blue Cross Blue Shield Global® Core provides Blue Cross and Blue Shield members with access to a network of traditional inpatient, outpatient, and professional health care providers around the world. The program includes a range of medical assistance and claims support services for members traveling or living in countries outside the United States.
Before you leave Hawaii
Before you leave home, you may call 1-800-810-BLUE (2583) and a representative will give you the names of participating hospitals or providers where you’ll be visiting. You can also find a current listing of Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core hospitals and physicians online.
Before leaving Hawaii, confirm with your primary care provider or HMSA if you would need a prior authorization (precertification) for services outside of Hawaii.
For benefit information on services provided outside of the United States, see Your health plan benefits outside the United States.
Who to contact for services while outside the United States
If you’re in another country and need non-emergency medical services, call the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core Service Center collect at 804-673-1177. Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core Worldwide will help you find and make an appointment with a Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core participating provider. They’ll also help you coordinate your payment for hospital and inpatient facility care.
For emergency care, please read Emergency and Urgent Care Outside of Hawaii.
Benefits of using a participating provider
By using a participating provider, your out-of-pocket costs will be significantly lower than if you use a nonparticipating provider. Please be sure to ask if all providers involved in your care are participating Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core providers, including the facility, doctors, and laboratory. With certain services such as surgery, there may be many providers involved with your care. For example, if the surgeon is participating but the anesthesiologist is not, you’ll pay the more expensive nonparticipating rate for the services provided by the anesthesiologist.
For additional important information, we encourage you to read: