
Students at the University of New South Wales passed a three pro-Palestine and anti-war motions at a historic Student General Meeting. Isaac Nellist reports.

Suzanne James speaks to WA Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John about changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme which passed in August.

Union bodies, leaders and rank-and-file Construction Forestry Maritime Employees Union members are pushing back against Labor’s unprecedented draconian anti-CFMEU law. Pip Hinman reports.

It is not enough to “punish Labor” in coming elections. The real challenge is to build a political alternative that will act for the majority, not slavishly serve the billionaire class, argue Sue Bull, Jacob Andrewartha and Sam Wainwright

Fancy, expensive weapons being used to kill civilians? Not terrorism. Relatively less advanced technology? Terrorism. Zane Alcorn comments on ruling class hypocrisy. 

Socialist Alliance condemns Israel’s deadly escalation of its ongoing war and terrorism in Lebanon and called on the Anthony Albanese Labor government to respect international law and immediately do the same.

Julian Assange addressed a hearing in Strasbourg at which he spoke of legal protections which were ‘not effective in any remotely reasonable time frame’. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Socialist Alliance has filed a complaint with the Victorian Police and the Victorian Electoral Commission over its candidates’ election posters being repeatedly damaged in the City of Greater Geelong Council. Sue Bull reports.

Chevron rakes in billions of dollars a year from exploiting Israeli-claimed fossil gas fields in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, which generate hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue for Israel. Zara Lomas reports.

Refugees and supporters are maintaining their protest for permanent visas in the Docklands and marching every Friday to press their case. Chris Slee reports.

Join protests to mark 12 months of Israel’s continued genocidal assault on Gaza.

Thousands joined protests across the country to condemn Israel's attacks on Gaza and Lebanon as Israel escalated its attacks.