Policy paper

Terms of reference for the Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards

Published 8 November 2024

The Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards is appointed by the Prime Minister to advise them on matters relating to the Ministerial Code. The post-holder is independent of government and expected to provide impartial advice to the Prime Minister. The post-holder is required to observe the Seven Principles of Public Life.

1. Ministers’ interests

1.1. Under the Ministerial Code (paragraph 3.2), “it is the personal responsibility of each minister to decide whether and what action is needed to avoid a conflict or to manage the perception of a conflict, taking account of advice received from their permanent secretary and the Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards”.

1.2. Ministers are required, upon appointment to each new office, to provide to the Independent Adviser a full list of interests which might be thought to give rise to a conflict with the minister’s public duties. This must occur within 14 days (paragraphs 3.3-3.4). The list should have been reviewed where relevant by the appropriate permanent secretary or Accounting Officer. Ministers have an ongoing duty to ensure that their declarations are kept up to date and that they notify their permanent secretary and the Independent Adviser of any relevant change in circumstances.

1.3. The personal information which ministers disclose to those who advise them is treated in confidence (paragraph 3.6).

1.4. The Independent Adviser must review any information provided by a minister and may, in confidence, provide advice to that minister on any action that should be taken by the minister in order to uphold the standards set out in the Ministerial Code (paragraph 3.4). Advice on the handling of interests may also be provided on an ad-hoc basis (see paragraph 3.2 below).

1.5. A minister to whom advice is given must provide the Independent Adviser with a record of what action has been taken in response to the advice (paragraph 3.4).

1.6. On a quarterly basis the Independent Adviser must prepare and publish a statement covering the relevant interests of ministers (paragraph 3.6). The statement must set out such information about those relevant interests as the Independent Adviser considers appropriate. The Independent Adviser will advise the Prime Minister of their intention to publish the list which will then be published as promptly as possible.

2. Investigation of alleged breaches of the Ministerial Code

2.1. Under the terms of the Ministerial Code (paragraph 2.6a): “If there is an allegation about a breach of the Code and the Prime Minister, having consulted the Cabinet Secretary, feels that it warrants further investigation, the Prime Minister may ask the Cabinet Office to investigate the facts of the case and/or refer the matter to the Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards”.

2.2. Where the Independent Adviser believes that an alleged breach of the Code warrants further investigation and that matter has not already been referred to them, they may initiate an investigation (paragraph 2.6b). Before doing so, the Independent Adviser will notify the Prime Minister in writing.

2.3. Where a minister believes they may have failed to uphold the standards set by the Prime Minister in the Ministerial Code, they may write to the Prime Minister to request that the matter is referred to the Independent Adviser to determine whether further action is needed, including the need for an investigation. The Independent Adviser will advise the Prime Minister of their determination.

2.4. Following an investigation carried out by the Independent Adviser, the Independent Adviser may advise the Prime Minister on whether, in their view, there has been a breach of the standards expected in the Ministerial Code. Additionally, the Independent Adviser may recommend what sanction should be considered.

2.5. The decision on whether a minister remains in office is for the Prime Minister, as the ultimate judge of the standards of behaviour expected of a minister and the appropriate consequences of a breach of those standards (paragraph 2.3).

2.6. Following an investigation carried out by the Independent Adviser, the Independent Adviser may require that any advice provided to the Prime Minister on the outcome of such an investigation is published in a timely manner.

3. Further advice on Ministerial Code

3.1. Before the Ministerial Code is amended, the Prime Minister will consult the Independent Adviser.

3.2. The Independent Adviser may, at the request of a minister, provide the minister, in confidence, with general advice in relation to the Ministerial Code.

4. Information

4.1. A minister must provide the Independent Adviser with any information the Independent Adviser reasonably requires for the purposes of discharging the responsibilities set out in these terms of reference (paragraph 2.6b). Where the Independent Adviser considers that a minister is not providing such information, they will notify the Prime Minister.

4.2. Information provided to the Independent Adviser for the purposes of their functions is provided in confidence. The Independent Adviser may publish information provided to them, including in summarised form, if they consider this is necessary to discharge their responsibilities.

4.3. The Independent Adviser may require a minister to publish information relating to adherence to the Ministerial Code.

4.4. The Independent Adviser must publish an annual report on the exercise of the Independent Adviser’s functions, which must:

a. Set out information about the work carried out by the Independent Adviser during the year.

b. Include observations on matters relating to the role of the Independent Adviser.

4.5. The Independent Adviser will advise the Prime Minister of their intention to publish their annual report providing at least four weeks’ notice of the publication date.