Ofsted publishes Big Listen action monitoring report and announces trials of new inspection approach
Press release
Ofsted has today published the first monitoring report on 132 commitments made in the Big Listen and the response to Dame Christine Gilbert’s independent learning review.
Ofsted has today published 3 additional recordings of school inspector training materials, following on from the first collection published earlier this term.
Longstanding weaknesses across SEND system impacting on young people’s transition to adulthood
Press release
A report by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) finds that local areas are working hard to improve support for young people with SEND, but systemic challenges are limiting their ability to prepare these young people for adulthood.
Ofsted annual report: education and social care serving most children well, but system pressures bite for most disadvantaged
Press release
Most children are well-served by the education sector and, in social care, life-changing work is being done for children and young people every day.
Ofsted has today begun accepting applications for a new category of childcare provider, as part of a series of changes the Department for Education has introduced to give the early years and childcare sector more flexibility.
Ofsted Big Listen
Consultation outcome
The Ofsted Big Listen asked for views across our work, from schools and children’s social care to teacher training and early years.
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