Brida Quotes

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Brida Brida by Paulo Coelho
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Brida Quotes Showing 61-90 of 304
“She wasn't afraid of difficulties, what frightened her was having to choose one particular path. Choosing a path meant missing out on others. She had a whole life to live and she was always thinking that, in the future, she might regret the choices she made now.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“Nothing will behave in the logical way you have come to expect.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“Life is an act of faith.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“She wasn't afraid of difficulties, what frightened her was having to choose one particular path. Choosing a path meant missing out on others. She had a whole life to live and she was always thinking that, in the future, she might regret the choices she made now.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“But if you've ever felt love, you'll know how painful it is to suffer for love.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“ويمكننا أيضا ، أن نسمح لرفقاء أرواحنا ن يهجرونا ، بدون أن نقبلهم ، أو نلاحظهم ، وعندها ، سوف نحتاج إلى تجسيد جديد كي نجدهم ، وبسبب أنانيتنا هذه ، يحكم علينا بأقسى عقاب اخترعه البشر لأنفسهم ،وهو ( الوحدة ) ”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“يمكنك أن تتعرفي على رفيق روحك بالمجازفة ، والمخاطرة ، بالوقوع في الخطأ ، وخيبة الأمل ، والرجاء والتحرر من الأوهام ، ولكن ، لا توقفي البحث عن الحب ، فكلما استمر البحث يأتي الانتصار في نهاية المطاف ”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“You were my hope during my days of loneliness, my anxiety during moments of doubt, my certainty during moments of faith.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“Even stopped clocks are right twice a day.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“No one can posses an afternoon of rain beating against the window, or the serenity of a sleeping child, or the magical moment when the waves break on the rocks. No one can posses the beautiful things of this Earth, but we can know them and love them. It is through such moments that God reveals himself to mankind.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“اني أخشى الموت ، لكن ما أخشاه أكثر من الموت ، هو أن تضيع حياتي هباء ، وأهاب الحب لأنه يحتوي على أشياء تفوق فهمنا ، فهو يلقي ضوءا من نوع خاص ، ولكن ما يخيفني هو ما يلقيه هذا الضوء من ظلال ”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“We are responsible for reencountering our Soul Mate who is sure to cross our path. Even if it is only for a matter of moments, because those moments bring with them a love so intense that it justifies the rest of our days.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“نحن بشر يا الله ولاندرك عظمتنا .ربى امنحنى التواضع لأطلب ماأحتاج اليه ،لانه ما من رغبة تذهب سدى ، وما من طلب لا يلقى استجابة .كل منا يعرف على أكمل وجه كيف يغذى روحه فامنحنا الشجاعة لنرى رغباتنا مقبلة من ينبوع حكمتك الذى لا ينضب .لا يمكننا أن نبدأ بفهم من نحن الا بتقبل رغباتنا”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“the first road to God is prayer, the second is joy.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“Knowledge was always the power that kept the Universe in its place and the stars turning in their orbits.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“I know how you must be feeling,” she went on. ”Sometimes we set off down a path simply because we don’t believe in it. It’s easy enough. All we have to do then is prove that it isn’t the right path for us. However, when things start to happen, and the path does reveal itself to us, we become afraid of carrying on.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“The brave are those who make decisions despite their fear, who are tormented by the Devil every step of the way and gripped by anxiety about their every action, wondering if they are right or wrong. And yet nevertheless, they act.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
tags: life
“يمكن للمرء التعرف على رفيق روحه ، من ذاك البريق الذي يشع من عينيه ، عندما يأتي الوقت الذي يتعرف فيه كل شخص على حبه الحقيقي ”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“In order not to suffer, you had to renounce love.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“But emotions were, indeed, wild horses and they demanded to be heard. Brida let them run free for a while until they grew tired”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“Go in search of your Gift. The process of finding ourselves is called Love. The more you understand yourself, the more you will understand the world.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“What is a Gift?"
"A Gift is your way of serving the world.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“Love is the force that brings us back together, in order to condense the experience dispersed in many lives and many parts of the world.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
tags: love
“If you say it was the "last" time, it might well turn out to be the last. What you meant was "the most recent time I was here".”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“When things start to happen, and the path does reveal itself to us, we become afraid of carrying on”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“لا داع لأن تغمضي عينيك ، بل واجهي العالم من حولك ، بعينين مفتوحتين ، وحاولي أن تفهمي ، وأن تنظري إلى كل ما يحيط بك ”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“Then there are those who plant. they endure storms and all the many vicissitudes of the seasons, and they rarely rest. But, unlike a building, a garden never stops growing. And while it requires the gardener's constant attention, it also allows life for the gardener to be a great adventure.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“She wasn’t afraid of difficulties what frightened her was being forced to choose one particular path. Choosing a path meant having to miss out on others. She had a whole life to live and she was thinking that, in future, she might regret the choices she made now.
“I am afraid of committing myself” she thought to herself she wanted to follow all possible paths and ended up following none.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“سوف أتذكرك دائما ، وسوف تتذكرينني ، مثلما نتذكر الليل والمطر الذي يتساقط على النوافذ ، وكل الأشياء التي حولنا ، ولا نستطيع امتلاكها ”
Paulo Coelho, Brida
“It was a mistake that set the world in motion. Never be afraid of making a mistake.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida