Monny Kyosovska

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Marissa Meyer
“Don’t. Open. My control panel,” she said. Releasing Thorne, she shut the plate in her head. “Then stop going comatose on me!”
Marissa Meyer, Cress

Marissa Meyer
“Thorne shuffled his feet. “You know, if it was a bad kiss, you can just say so.”
She stiffened. “That’s not at all what I … Wait. Did you think it was a bad kiss?”
“No,” he said, with an abrupt, clumsy laugh. “I thought it was … um.” He cleared his throat. “But there were clearly a lot of expectations, and a lot of pressure, and…” He squirmed in the chair. “We were going to die, you know.”
“I know.” She squeezed her knees into her chest. “And, no, it wasn’t … I didn’t think it was a bad kiss.”
“Oh, thank the stars.”
marissa meyer, Cress

Marissa Meyer
“I guess it’s time.”
While Cress’s thoughts continued to churn through the horrible things that could happen to her, she felt herself being suddenly spun around and dipped backward, a supportive arm scooping beneath her back. She yelped and caught herself on Thorne’s shoulder.
Then he was kissing her.”
marissa meyer, Cress

Marissa Meyer
“You can help me pick out a tiara when we’re done saving the world.”
Marissa Meyer, Cress

Yvon Chouinard
“There's no difference between a pessimist who says, 'It's all over, don't bother trying to do anything, forget about voting, it won't make a difference,' and an optimist who says, 'Relax, everything is going to turn out fine.' Either way the results are the same. Nothing gets done.”
Yvon Chouinard, Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman

year in books
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