“Key to his success was the mindset he championed. An optimist, Muhammad constantly sought new solutions to surmount obstacles and promote yusr (flow). He also insisted that people make the most of their limited time on earth, observing that “the beginning of time is serenity (ridhwan), the middle of time is optimism for a better future (rahmah), and the end of time is accountability (‘afw).”
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
“I have lived with Muhammad my entire life: I was given his name the day I was born, yet for years knew nothing about him.”
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
“I became like the bee: intensely gathering information from as many sources as possible and analyzing the material to construct my own understanding of Muhammad’s mindset. I analyzed every piece of data, scrutinizing it for accuracy. I sought to shorten as much as possible the chains of scholarly transmission that separated me from Muhammad. Approaching Muhammad with an open mind proved transformational: making my own sense of him forged a much more meaningful personal relationship with his legacy.”
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
“Jahiliyyah is not an epoch but a mindset—and willful stagnation can occur among any people. After stagnating in the Dark Ages for cen- turies, Europeans finally realized that the Muslims—long dismissed as heathens—had actually preserved classical European wisdom. Once the Europeans opened their minds to reclaim that heritage, they embarked on the Renaissance. Muslims can benefit from a similar perspective. Western knowledge is not heretical but rather has preserved and built upon Muhammad’s core values.”
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
“On the day he was born, Muhammad was given a unique name—and with it a mission to model positive behavior to inspire others. The great inventors of the Golden Age sought to emulate his success by applying his mindset of blossoming to their own circumstances. Each manifested his methodology in trailblazing innovations that not only reflected their individuality but also transformed the world—precisely the lifetime goal Muhammad’s mother had articulated for her son on her deathbed.
Indeed, Aminah’s inspiring last words reverberate beyond six-year- old Muhammad to reach people of all backgrounds across the genera- tions: strive to be a world-changer in your own unique way.”
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
Indeed, Aminah’s inspiring last words reverberate beyond six-year- old Muhammad to reach people of all backgrounds across the genera- tions: strive to be a world-changer in your own unique way.”
― Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait
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