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Marissa Baker
“We prefer possibility to actuality, future to the present, intuition to fact, improvement over the status quo.”
Marissa Baker, The INFJ Handbook: A guide to and for the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type

“We work better with authoritative, empathic leaders, and empathic teachers like ourselves, that fit our morals, values, ethics, and principles.”
Alexandria Ruffian, INFJ/INFP Personality Type: The Survival Guide to Life

“It's not easy to be friends with me, actually. Besides a chooser I am also a loner. Everytime I pushed them away they just gave me space and time and after all those breaks they keep coming back. They are ready for my "3 AM text" , they are ready for my "disregard", they are ready for my ups and downs, they are ready for my weirdness, for my moods, ready for my solitude....for years. They touched me in the way no other people did. They touched me in silence. Maybe I can live without them. But God has given them as a gift for my hapiness.”
Glad Munaiseche

Marissa Baker
“As perfectionists and idealists, INFJs are constantly striving to make things better. Whether it's a relationship we're invested in, a person we care about, a project we're working on, or even a houseplant, INFJs won't give up until they've exhausted every possibility for improvement.”
Marissa Baker, The INFJ Handbook: A guide to and for the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The only person worthy of your love is not one who overstayed in the relationship without a single change, but one, who appeared like an angel, and used a single day to make a million change.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign

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167 books | 38 friends

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24 books | 49 friends

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4 books | 29 friends

Vora Unger
0 books | 72 friends

Vadim Drel
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117 books | 30 friends

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