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so ask already!!! > Stonepunk?

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message 1: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 455 comments okay so this is not a question for me it's a question for my best friend.

I was talking to her about my love of steampunk and she asked if there was stonepunk. Basically are their books about people who live in the stone age?

honestly I don't even care if the books are good, I just want to produce a bunch of books about the stone age and hand them to her, although at least semi realistic, nothing with dinosaurs or stuff like that.

message 2: by Greg (new)

Greg | 117 comments The Jean Auel books take place in the stone age.

message 3: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 455 comments oh and there are so many! thanks greg!

message 4: by Christy (new)

Christy (christymtidwell) | 149 comments I haven't read any of these, but perhaps they'd work:

The Mammoth Stone by Margaret Allan
Stone Spring by Stephen Baxter (it looks like there might be others by Baxter that would work, too)
Reindeer Moon by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas

message 5: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 455 comments thank you christy

message 6: by Eric (new)

Eric | 25 comments Gift of Stones by Jim Crace is supposed to be quite good (haven't read it though)

message 7: by Paul (new)

Paul Gift of Stones is excellent, though it's more a tale of the coming Bronze Age. Still, there are stones, no doubt. ;)

message 8: by Brian R. (last edited Apr 28, 2011 04:24AM) (new)

Brian R. Mcdonald As far as a genre which actually equates to steampunk in a stone age setting, I can't think of any in written literature. The only true example of "stonepunk" with equivalent approach to technological anachronism would be The Flintstones [though it violates the OP's strictures about dinosaurs]. West of Eden by Harry Harrison is another dino-filled work which comes close to a reasonable definition of "stonepunk". However, if we are just looking for novels set in the stone age, then there are hundreds. Of course the Earth's Children series [[book:The Clan of the Cave Bear|1295] and its sequels] transcends the genre. Among the best selling novels of all time, they probably have far outsold all other similar books combined. Among the many imitators who found success in Ms. Auel's wake were W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'neal Gear, whose series The First North Americans spanned 16 very popular books.

message 9: by Christine (new)

Christine (chrisarrow) Stephen Baxter has written a triolgy about mammoths that takes place in the stone age and in the future (so it is stonepunk meets sci-fi).

message 10: by karen, future RA queen (new)

karen (karenbrissette) | 1315 comments Mod
did any of these end up working out?

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