⋆.ೃ࿔࿐ྂfaith & fantasy⋆.ೃ࿔࿐ྂ discussion

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message 1: by Lily, ⭒on hiatus⭒ (new)

Lily (starlightmoonlight) | 8696 comments Hello and welcome! I'd love to know more about you! What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What are some of your hobbies/interests? What's the coolest place you've been to?

And tell me three fun facts about you! (Can you speak more than one language? Are you a listener or a talker? (I'm a talker lol...) What is your proudest accomplishment? Do you have a collection of anything? What's your biggest fear? Your favorite word? Your most unusual pet?)

Also! Since this is a books and faith group, feel free to answer some of these questions, too! (Sorry, maybe I love questions a bit too much!) What's your favorite book? Favorite author? Least favorite book and least favorite author? (Don't get too negative though!) What's your favorite book in the Bible? And finally, if you had to pick just one verse from Scripture that you can relate to the most right now, what would it be?

message 2: by EllieJellyBean :D, ⭒assistant mod⭒ (new)

EllieJellyBean :D | 6486 comments I’m Ellie sivils!

message 3: by Lily, ⭒on hiatus⭒ (new)

Lily (starlightmoonlight) | 8696 comments Ellie wrote: "I’m Ellie sivils!"

Hi Ellie!! Thanks for joining!

message 4: by EllieJellyBean :D, ⭒assistant mod⭒ (new)

EllieJellyBean :D | 6486 comments Thanks for inviting me!

message 5: by Issabelle (new)

Issabelle Perry | 82 comments WOOHOOO!!!!! I LOOVE THIS FORUM IDEA, LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooo, questions, I LOVE questions!!! Bring em on!! Okay, so I'm Issabelle Perry, I'm a teen who enjoys reading, blogging, writing, and graphic designing.

I am DEFINITELY a talker too, lol. XD My proudest accomplishments would probably be when my short story was published in an anthology, when my blog reached over 150 followers, and when an anthology I co-edited released. :) I have a rock collection and I use to have a sock monkey one. *sighs* The good ole days. ;P My biggest fear is probably no one will ever care about my writing. (Wow, this just got deep, lol. XD) My favorite word? Probably shrewd. It's just fun!! For most unusual pet, I had a betta fish once.

My favorite book is The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen. And favorite author is Jennifer A. Nielsen, hahaha. XD Least favorite book? Anything I write. XD I absolutely LOOOVE the book of James, John, Esther, and Ephesians. Hmmm I'm going to pick two just because a LOT of verses have been really helpful for me lately, so two's already hard to pick. XD

Hosea 13:14 - "I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. Where, O death, are your plagues? Where, O grave, is your destruction?"

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

⢄⢁✧ CheyAnn (cheyannr) | 28 comments Hi everyone! I'm CheyAnn!

Thank you for inviting me to your group Lily!

message 7: by Amber (new)

Amber Gabriel Hello!
My favorite book of the Bible is Revelation. When I received my first Bible at age eight, I would take it to bed instead of a stuffed animal and read chapter four every night. I have a degree in Bible and theology, though I teach elementary math and science. I can listen or talk--I'm good with either. I paint murals, play several instruments, coach archery, ballroom dance (how I met my husband), and practice HEMA. I taught English in Moscow, Russia for a year when I was sixteen (I graduated early), but I didn't learn much Russian. Everywhere I went, people wanted to practice their English and offered to interpret for me.
I write clean, low fantasy (non-magical) for adults who want something fun to read without anything explicit: The Edge of the Sword series. As a related side hobby, I have started collecting swords.
We have dogs, a donkey, and cattle on a nice little ranch in Central Texas.

message 8: by Lily, ⭒on hiatus⭒ (new)

Lily (starlightmoonlight) | 8696 comments Issabelle wrote: "WOOHOOO!!!!! I LOOVE THIS FORUM IDEA, LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooo, questions, I LOVE questions!!! Bring em on!! Okay, so I'm Issabelle Perry, I'm a teen who enjoys reading, blogging, writing, and graph..."

Wowww, graphic designing?! :D What do you graphic design???

Yessss nice job with all of those!!!! That's some amazing stuff! But for some reason, when you said rock collection, I thought rock bands instead of actual rocks! XD I had a rock collection too and I was very passionate about it ✨once upon a time✨, but now it's in the basement LOL. Honestly, though, I feel like that's a super real fear and I bet nearly all the writers out there have felt like that at least sometimes!

Wahtttt are you serious about the least favorite book/author thing?! Because you shouldn't be!!! Honestly!

I love those two verses... I was actually familiar with the first one but I'm going to ind a wallpaper of it now so I can memorize it 😊

Anyway, thanks so much for joining this new little group!! (And sorry for not replying to your email yet! I've been superrrr busy and haven't been able to start on the thing we were talking about 😉❤️❤️❤️)

message 9: by ⢄⢁✧ CheyAnn (last edited Oct 31, 2021 05:41PM) (new)

⢄⢁✧ CheyAnn (cheyannr) | 28 comments Hello,
I'm not sure where to begin but here I go. 😂
I'm 19 years old. I love to read, listening to music and I occasionally write poetry. I'm more of a listener than a talker I'm an introvert! My family has a bunch of ducks and chickens. I love anything Marvel. I enjoy reading fantasy, mystery, ya, etc.. My favorite Marvel characters are Steve Rogers (Captain America), Bucky Barnes, Hawkeye, Wanda Maximoff, The falcon, and all of the guardians! I enjoy reading clean books. My favorite book of the bible is Psalms. I'm not sure what else to say about myself so I think I'm done. 😂

˚༚✧˳⁺⁎davm⁎⁺˳✧༚˚ | 29 comments Hi guys :D.
I’m Dariya, another aspiring writer haha. 16 y.o trying to find time for my passions amidst all this busy school 😅. Excited to meet everyone and talk abt books! Haha

message 11: by Edna (new)

Edna Pellen (ednapellen) Hello there!

I'm a young adult known as Edna Pellen, "E.P." or "Edna." My favorite hobbies include writing fiction (especially high fantasy), crafting in various ways, and studying archaeological+theological matters.
I do have a blog, and am also the founder of NoQu, but I wouldn't list "website running" or "blogging" as a favorite pass-time.

Three fun facts about me... hm. Well, I collect weapons, I love the game Dark Souls (though I've yet to complete it), and I love old movies and TV (such as the Sherlock Holmes movies with Basil Rathbone, most things Vincent Price, Perry Mason, The Twilight Zone).

Favorite book - oh dear, you're asking us that question? XD Well, I love The Last Dragon be Silvana De Mari, and that's probably the first book I "fell in love with," it's a fantasy, and it can be read as a stand alone, so we'll go with that one.

Favorite book of the Bible... oh dear, I have no clue. I love Revelation, but I also love Ruth and Esther, and... well, pretty much all of them. XD I don't think I can pick just one.

One verse I relate to - well I was just reading a verse in Psalms that I related to deeply but of course I can't remember it now. However, I think that Psalm 143:8 has often been my hope and prayer.

Thank you, Lily, for inviting me! And you should tell us what your answers are to these questions!

message 12: by Sarah (new)

Sarah E (violinfrost) | 16 comments Hi!
I'm Sarah! I'm a highschool student who is currently struggling with exams! 😤
I love reading and art and eating spaghetti (does that count as a hobby??😉)
My favorite books are the Chronicles of Narnia and To Kill a Mockingbird.

My favorite book from the Bible is James and a really relatable verse at the moment would be:

2 Peter 3:8-12 (it's a long one, guys)
But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a their in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be (!) In holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

I think it's important to really consider if we are ready to go see Jesus at any moment. Sure, we'll say that we are, but are we truly willing? Truly willing to leave everything that we have surrounding us?

Anyway, that was long, oops 😬.
Nice being here!!

message 13: by Edna (new)

Edna Pellen (ednapellen) Sarah wrote: "I think it's important to really consider if we are ready to go see Jesus at any moment. Sure, we'll say that we are, but are we truly willing? Truly willing to leave everything that we have surrounding us?"

Oh, now that's good food for thought!

message 14: by Kacie (new)

Kacie | 466 comments Hey guys! I'm Kacie :P

hmmm let's see. I'm more of a listener (sometimes not by choice.....but it's what ends up happening XD). As for hobbies and interests, I'm a classically trained pianist, I've been taking lessons for 10 years! It's so much fun. I'm working on my first piano concerto yay! lots of work though. But yeah, I constantly listen to classical music while doing homework lol. I also like needle felting and I occasionally do art like painting canvas shoes or drawing characters on my biology notes :D. I've been collecting houseplants lately....I have a lot, including a lemon tree. It's blossoming rn! Maybe just maaaaaaybe I'll get some lemons. So exciting. My favorite word is Insubordination....idk I just think it's a funny word. My most unusual pet, I mean I have a bunch of crazy crazy chickens! they're a lot of fun. I also have a super super pretty bunny named Pfeffernusse (pepper cookie in german). She's adorable <3

My favorite book (series) is The Queen's Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. I love it so much!!!!! I've reread some of the books in the series like over 10 times....uhm anyways hah. I also like The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.

I mean, I always love the Christmas Story in the bible. Reading that every christmas with my family is so much fun. I can't wait to do it again this year!!

message 15: by ✨ tazannah ✨, ⭒botm leader⭒ (last edited Jan 04, 2023 04:07AM) (new)

✨ tazannah ✨ (tazannahgresheld) | 6218 comments First off, thanks for inviting me Lily!!

Hi, I'm Taz!!I love baking, reading of course, writing poetry, photography, I LOVE Marvel, walking, nature, donuts and mac and cheese (not together lol), swimming, and hanging out with my family (especially my cousins). The coolest place I've been to is Rome, Italy, because they have a lot of culture/history there. There's also ancient sites and monuments which I find really fascinating.

My favorite Christian book was this children's book my grandma gave to me a few years ago called "Hinds' Feet on High Places", and it really touched my heart. I'm trying to get into this Christian series called "Left Behind", because my dad loved it as a kid and reccommended it to me. It's about the rapture. Ummm, I don't really read that many Christian books... My favorite book from the Bible is probably Jonah or Esther. I watched both of the Sight & Sound plays of these characters in PA, and it soooo good. I find Jonah's story really interesting and how Esther saved the Jews was just awesomeee. And my favorite verse of all time is Isaiah 40:31.

message 16: by EllieJellyBean :D, ⭒assistant mod⭒ (new)

EllieJellyBean :D | 6486 comments Well, I’m Ellie Sivils! I’m 14. I’m a talker, but a listener too.
I like skateboarding, volleyball, music, and way more stuff!😂 I really like the book revelation!

Psalm 121:2
My help comes from the lord, who made heaven and earth.

message 17: by EllieJellyBean :D, ⭒assistant mod⭒ (new)

EllieJellyBean :D | 6486 comments Ops! Made a mistake with my Bible verse!😂

Psalm 121:2
My help comes from the lord, who made heaven and earth.

message 18: by Grace (new)

Grace Johnson | 2 comments Lily wrote: "Hello and welcome! I'd love to know more about you! What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What are some of your hobbies/interests? What's the coolest place you've been to?

And tel..."

Wow! This is an amazing group, Lily! Thank you for creating it and inviting me! I might not be too active, because of school...but I know I'll enjoy it!

Let's see... My name is Grace A. Johnson (I use the initial because, fun fact, I'm not the only Grace Johnson in this world XD), but y'all can call me Gracie, if you like! I'm 16, a homeschooled high school junior and unofficial college sophomore (dual-enrolled at tech school). I'm from South Georgia...another place that won't get snow this Christmas (and, yes, that's a song reference...anybody wanna guess which one?), and I've only been out of the state a handful of times...so the coolest place I've ever been to is (1) Destin, Florida and (2) Gatlinburg and Pidgeon Forge, Tenn. Two words: beach and Dollywood. XD My favorite hobbies? READING (duh), playing the piano, sketching and photography (not very good at either), and cooking/baking!

Three facts? Hmm.

(1) I published my first book at 13.
(2) I collection notebooks (which I then never use XD)
(3) I am a talker, for sure...almost mostly to myself. ;)

Now, for the bookishness... Yeesh. Favorite book? Are you crazy? AUGH. Well, since this is fantasy and faith, I'll go with my favorite fantasy book...which is probably Unraveling by Sara Ella! As for favorite author? Julie Lessman, hands-down. And that's out of all genres! Close seconds are Laura Frantz, Tamara Leigh, and Joanna Davidson Politano! I dunno if I have a least favorite book or author, so I'mma move on...

Favorite book in the Bible? AUGH THAT'S TOO HARD. I adore Psalms and Song of Solomon (yes, you read that right...Song of Solomon). And Ecclesiastes. And anything at all that Paul wrote...especially Romans and 1st Corinthians! As for one verse? Oh, Lord have mercy, that's tough! Romans 1:16 has been on my heart a lot recently, because of so many Christians writers I've seen backing down from the Gospel...so probably that one!

message 19: by Jesse (last edited Oct 31, 2021 07:55PM) (new)

Jesse  | 395 comments I’m Jesse! Thanks for the invite, Lily. I’m from Australia, and some of my favourite hobbies, are reading, Skateboarding, and watching all the movies and shows I can!
I’ve been to a few states in America, like Florida, Portland, Colorado, San Antonio, Dallas, Denver, New Mexico, Tennessee, California, Idaho and Utah, but the coolest place I think was Colarado.

I speak a bit of Spanish, and a bit of Lebanese, but not fluently. My proudest accomplishment is getting player of the year in my basketball club (lol), biggest fear is being buried alive, favourite word is “Salsa”, and the only pet I’ve had is a dog.

Favourite book is Lord of the Rings, but my favourite Author is Brandon Sanderson. Least favourite is Rick Riordan, because of some of the things he says that I don’t agree with, and I’m really not a fan of his books. Favourite book in the bible is Mark.

message 20: by Kacie (new)

Kacie | 466 comments Jesse!! hiiiii

message 21: by Jesse (new)

Jesse  | 395 comments Hey!!

message 22: by Lily, ⭒on hiatus⭒ (new)

Lily (starlightmoonlight) | 8696 comments Amber wrote: "Hello!
My favorite book of the Bible is Revelation. When I received my first Bible at age eight, I would take it to bed instead of a stuffed animal and read chapter four every night. I have a degre..."

Amber!!!! Thank you so much for joining, that means a lot to me!! And wowww all of that sounds like a dream that I'd loveee to be real for me!!! Archery, music, ballroom dancing, writing teaching, just AHHH!!! 😍😍😍 And I want to do HEMA so very bad, too! Super amazing!!!

message 23: by Lily, ⭒on hiatus⭒ (new)

Lily (starlightmoonlight) | 8696 comments CheyAnn wrote: "Hello,
I'm not sure where to begin but here I go. 😂
I'm 19 years old. I love to read, listening to music and I occasionally write poetry. I'm more of a listener than a talker I'm an introvert! My ..."

Hi CheyAnn and thanks for introducing yourself!!! I legit had a weird crush on Bucky when I first watched Captain America 😂😂

message 24: by Lily, ⭒on hiatus⭒ (new)

Lily (starlightmoonlight) | 8696 comments davm wrote: "Hi guys :D.
I’m Dariya, another aspiring writer haha. 16 y.o trying to find time for my passions amidst all this busy school 😅. Excited to meet everyone and talk abt books! Haha"

Happy to have you here, Dariya!!!

message 25: by Mary-Therese (new)

Mary-Therese P. | 2987 comments Hi everyone! I'm Mary-Therese, I live in Illinois, I am the oldest if 5(1 brother, 4 sisters). My favorite word is either cobblestone, liquid, or scoop(random, I know, lol). I am definitely a talker. and I am really into musical theatre, and will talk about it 24\7.

My favorite book in the Bible is either Proverbs or Revelation. my favorite verse is Jeremiah 29, 11:
For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for you welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future and a hope.

It's hard to pick a favorite book, as it changes so often, but this minute, my favorite book is The Enchantress Returns (Land of Stories book 2). My favorite movie is Dead Poets Society.

message 26: by Carina (new)

Carina  Shephard (carinashephard) Hi everyone! My name is Emily, but I’ve gone by the pen name of Carina Shephard so long that I’m pretty much stuck with it now. 😂 I’m from the Midwest, but I’ve been to most of the states in the central U.S. I’ve also been to Dollywood. XD

I adore crocheting and drawing. My favorite author is W.R. Gingell. My goal is to become fluent in Spanish and then learn some more languages after that. :) I’m also a Biology major.

A verse that has really spoken to me lately is Psalm 3:3- “But you, Lord, are a shield around me; my glory, and the one who lifts up my head.”

message 27: by Denali (new)

Denali Christianson ~Semi-active~ (denalichristianson) | 121 comments HEEEEEEYYYYY EVERYONE I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS GRRRROOOOOUUUPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So my name is Denali Christianson! I'm 16 and I'm from Middle Earth. (I know, I know. So cool, right? XD) I'm a figure skater, I'm obsessed with medieval weaponry, and I don't feel at home until I have a recurve bow in my hands. (Also love longbows, but the draw is weird so recurve it is!) Hmmm. Coolest place. Grand Canyon? Lothlorien? Aerwiar? Also, the archery range is pretty cool. XD
Oooo cool facts about me...
Other than weapons?
I love to sing!!!! I'm into film and planning to study it in college. I also talk to my characters on a regular basis, and a majority of the time our talks dissolve into fighting. I don't play video games, I hallucinate staring at marked slices of trees. It's great. I'm pretty sure that's why we're all here! I'm also creepily obsessed with knives and fiercely loyal, so if anyone hurts any of my friends, bodily or otherwise, I tend to injure them. I'm actually more of a listener (even though it doesn't seem like it from this uber-long rant you're reading right now!) And let me think...
Well, that's about all of it...
Favorite book: LOTR and Wingfeather Saga!!!!!!!
Favorite author: J.R.R. TOLKIEN AND ANDREW PETERSON!!!!!!
Least fav book/author: The Door In the Wall / I think probably Ayn Rand? I feel bad saying that it's just that her philosophy is so strong that it kinda ruins her books.
Fav book of the Bible: I LOVE ISAIAH!!!! Also John. And Romans. Can I just say the whole Bible???? XD
Fav verse: AAAAAHHHH LILY WHY YOU DDDOO THIS TO ME???????????? Well.... ummmmmm....Isaiah 43:1-2. Definitely.

And so now I'm gonna stop ranting and sleep.

message 28: by The Jesus Fandom (new)

The Jesus Fandom (thejesusfandom) Hi! I'm Vanya, I'm 17 years old and I'm from the Netherlands, but right now my family lives on Madagascar as missionaries. I love making videos for my YouTube channel, reading and walking my dog (we had two, but one died yesterday). The coolest place is hard to choose, but I think the huge waterfall we always come past when travelling.

I'm deffo a talker, but I'm okay at listening too. Biggest fear is being a burden (guess why I loved Meriadoc Brandybuck). Biggest accomplishment... idk.

I love very many authors, but Morgan L Busse is up there! I dislike Sara J. Maas for obvious reasons.

I don't have a favourite book of the Bible, my favourite story is Joseph (outside of Jesus' story of course). And my favourite verse is "Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin."

Ella あいみ M. (further_up_and_further_in) Hi everyone! I have a lot of names (a LOT). But here I go by Ella. It's short for my first name, Malielani, which means "peace from heaven" in Hawaiian.

I'm a graduated Christian homeschooler. I was born and raised in Hawaii (5th of 13), and currently my family and I are living in Japan as missionaries. I love reading (duh), singing and listening to music, worshiping my Lord and Savior and best friend Jesus, and a whole lot more. I'm bilingual (Japanese and English), although I have studied—or tried to study—a few other languages, some of them from the books I've read, including Sindarin, Quenya, and Mando'a (from Star Wars). I have a predilection for weapons, especially knives and stuff.

I'm both a talker and a listener. I'm an introvert to the core and love my alone-time (though you would probably wouldn't guess it by how I converse with people) and so I end up listening a lot.

My biggest fear? Um, my biggest fear is definately letting people down and not living up to God's standards. Sorry to get all serious suddenly.

Don't really know if it's unusual, but my brother had a pet ant before (when we were little)...until my dad accidentally washed it away when he was watering the plants. 🤦

Favorite books: LotR, Hobbit, and The Chronicles of Narnia of course!!!! Plus a hundred others....hehe
Favorite authors: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien!

I can't say which book or verse in the Bible I love best because there're way too many.

Sorry this got long.
Too many questions, Lily!!! 😂 But thanks so much for the invite!

message 30: by Natasha (last edited Nov 01, 2021 02:06PM) (new)

Natasha Joy (tashavk) Hi, I'm Tasha Van Kesteren. I'm a Christian writer, photographer, and blogger. I'm 15 and live in Ontario Canada. Hobbies/interests are writing, photography, blogging, and of course reading.
Three fun facts, I am a listener, I'm a Bible quizzer, and I'm the second oldest of 8 (almost 9) kids.
My favourite book of the Bible would be Esther or Revelations.
Favourite book would be suuuuper hard as I am a fan of sooooo many books! Favs would have to be All Jennifer Nielsen, all Tolkien, Ignite, and all Nadine Brandes.

message 31: by P.D. (new)

P.D. (pdatkerson) Hi, P.D. Atkerson. I don't really know what to say, besides I love reading, writing, and being sarcastic.😜

message 32: by Kacie (new)

Kacie | 466 comments aaaaand you write amazing books. there's that too XD

message 33: by P.D. (new)

P.D. (pdatkerson) Aww... thanks!🤗

message 34: by a v a (new)

a v a (httpswwwpinterestcomdoubleaa373) -Hi, I'm Ava and I'm in 8th grade. I love to read, ride horses, write, play with my dog, and spend time with my family and friends.
- Coolest place I've been to is either Jacksonhole WY or Yellowstone National Park.
- Fun facts... hmmm... 1.) I am obsessed with tie dye 2.) I loooooove Lord of the Rings and Little Women (weird combination, trust me I know) 3.) I'm half Romanian
-Favorite book hands down is Jennifer Nielson's, The False Prince (really the whole series tho) and she's also my favorite author.
- I really don't have a least favorite book but if I had to pick one it would be The Series of Unfortunate Events
- Favorite book in the Bible.... hmmmm... hard question. I've gotta say I love the Gospels, Acts, and Exodus, and might as well throw Genesis in there.
- Favorite Bible verse is Romans 15:13, it's so good.
Thanks for accepting me in this group!!! God bless!

message 35: by Sisters Three (last edited Nov 02, 2021 03:26AM) (new)

Sisters Three (sistersthree) | 21 comments Hey! We're three (homeschooled) sisters from NC who blog, write and read together. A common mistake in person and online is that we're twins or triplets, but we're not. We go by rhyming nicknames, Kayti, Rissy, and Jaidie and that seems to confuse people....hahaha...

We totally missed a bunch of questions...
We know basic ASL, we are definitely listeners....introverts all the way we have only like two friends in persona and then our other friends live far away.
Fun facts - Our dad was a pastor for CM&A until last year when he resigned. We have two older sisters, two older brothers, and a crazy GSP named Ruger, and a mini lop rabbit named Smallsy-Jo. We're obsessed with all forms of the written word, we'd rather be cold than hot, and Jaidie's artistically inclined, Rissy likes baking, and Kayti writes and dabbles in crafting.
Craziest pet was probably...well our sister had a gecko.

Favorite book is a don't ask too many.....and our favorite book of the Bible is Jonah!
Favorite verses Psalm 27 and Hebrews 11:1

message 36: by Sophia (new)

Sophia | 14 comments Heya, everyone!!! My name is Sophia and I'm a 16 year old from Malaysia! I looove all my books and pretty much can't live without my kindle (well, I guess I can but let's not go there-), and I love playing my instruments + worshiping, and finding new Worship/Christian music to listen to! Oh, and I'd have to say that the coolest place I've been to was the Grand Canyon! Or the National Museum of American History in D.C…. That place was a joyyy for me to be in, hahaha. XD

I kinda wish I could say I speak three languages, but more like 2.5, haha. I can speak some Mandarin after going to a Chinese primary school (but now a lot of it has drained from me. My sister is wayyy better!), and some Malay. Some. At least, sufficient enough to order local food and pass my Malay oral foreign language exam. 😂

I feel like I can be both a listener and a talker! I get really talkative irl with people I'm comfortable with (and generally when I get really excited about life, haha), but at the same time, I love being chill and just listening to what people are saying. :)

And favorite author??!!! Ahhh, the ones that I will always and foreverrr read from are probs Sarah Sundin, Tari Faris, Roseanna M. White, and Kara Swanson! (among many more…) And so some of my favorite books are Dust & Shadow by Kara Swanson, and A Note Yet Unsung by Tamera Alexander (that just stayed with me ever since I was 13, lol!). Ohhh! And I love classics, too! Pride and Prejudice and A Tale of Two Cities are close to my heart. :D

Hmmm. I'd say my favorite book of the Bible would maybe be Psalms or any of the Gospels. A verse that I've been loving lately is from Psalms 63:1-3!

It's so nice meeting all of you guys!!! Thank you Lily for the invitation to join this group and for creating it! It's so exciting. :p

message 37: by Max (new)

Max B. Sternberg | 14 comments Hello all!

I am Max B. Sternberg and I am a Christian Fantasy Indie Published Author. I have always been a reader of fantasy, but as I became a Christian twelve years ago, my tastes have changed to a more scriptural view.

Three fun facts: I was born and raised Jewish which gave me a unique perspective when I converted. Writing may be my art expression, but I come from artists on both sides of my family for a few generations! Thirdly, I am trying to reteach myself Hebrew as it has been decades since reading it.

My favorite books of the Bible are Judges, Genesis, Romans, and Revelation. My favorite verse would have to be Romans 8:28, because it is especially true in my case and with my testimony!

message 38: by The Jesus Fandom (new)

The Jesus Fandom (thejesusfandom) Max wrote: "Hello all!

I am Max B. Sternberg and I am a Christian Fantasy Indie Published Author. I have always been a reader of fantasy, but as I became a Christian twelve years ago, my tastes have changed t..."

That's so cool about you being Jewish! I was wondering if I can ask some questions because I don't really know any messianic Jews and I'm curious about how they fill it in for themselves.

message 39: by Max (new)

Max B. Sternberg | 14 comments The Jesus Fandom wrote: "Max wrote: "Hello all!

I am Max B. Sternberg and I am a Christian Fantasy Indie Published Author. I have always been a reader of fantasy, but as I became a Christian twelve years ago, my tastes ha..."

Haha, ask away! Not sure how helpful I'll be, but I will give it my best shot.

message 40: by Abbigail (new)

Abbigail B. | 16 comments (Thanks for the invite, Lily!!)

Hey! I'm Abbigail, but everyone just calls me Abbi; I'll be 18 in a couple of weeks, and I live in Alberta, Canada. I'm a crazy bookworm and it sometimes exasperates my family, lol. I have a habit of writing every day and if I don't get the chance to do it, I get a bit cranky. I'm also crazy about music, and love to jam out on my guitar or mandolin. The coolest place I've been... haha, well, I've only been to the provinces next to us, so BC, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. I think I enjoyed Manitoba the most just because of my family's history there.

I love researching history, especially genealogies. I have a huge obsession with anything related to Scotland, hence the reason I've been learning Scottish Gaelic. I'm an introvert, so I'm usually the one listening unless a friend is nearby, then I get talking, haha. I also was involved with Bible Quizzing before I graduated, and now serve in the worship ministry at church.
My proudest accomplishment, uh... well, I wrote a fantasy novel in one week during Easter back in 2020. But currently, it is sitting collecting dust until I feel brave enough to tackle it and make it better, lol.
I collect notebooks... I start filling them in, and then leave them on my bookshelf for a while before I have anything more to add, lol. I also collect a lot of sheet music (not notes, I can't read that sort of music... I collect chord sheets from when I serve on the worship team and then teach myself to play that song on one of the many instruments my family owns.)
My biggest fear... ho boy, um... probably being left out. That's the worst, especially when it's among friends. That sucks. My favourite word... ah, well, it's more of a phrase, and that would be Jings, Mate. The most unusual pet I've had... um, we've not really had anything unusual; we've had beta fish, budgies, and now we have two dogs, Sheeba and Griffin. Griff is the pup and he's a menace who loves to manipulate you, lol.

Favourite book... well, I have a few; a lot of Tolkien's books, A Refuge Assured by Jocelyn Green, More Than Words Can Say by Karen Witemeyer, The Colonel's Lady and A Moonbow Night by Laura Frantz, and... well, that's it for now. My favourite author, well, I have a top three, and that's Karen Witemeyer, Laura Frantz, and Jocelyn Green. Karen became a favourite in the last year when Covid kinda cancelled life, so I read a bunch of her books this summer. She even responded to a note I sent her, so my respect for her skyrocketed, lol. Um, for a while, Becky Wade was my least favourite; she's sort of okay now, but I'm still not sure. Least favourite book... uh oh, you guys might not like this, but Little Women. I used to love it when I was little, but the nostalgia it gives me often leads to depression. So, that's a book that collects dust.
My favourite book of the Bible would probably be Ruth or the book of John. My favourite verse that often comes to mind (since I memorized it a couple of years ago) is John 16:33. "I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, But take heart! I have overcome the world."

(And this was a mouthful... lol, sorry everyone!)

message 41: by Amelia (new)

Amelia Hello! I’m Jordynn! I’m a junior in high school, I love sleep, am obsessed with reading, Christian, fangirl, and love Tim Burton and Jim Henson movies. If you get me started with Tom Holland or Timothee Chalamet, I will obsess over them nonstop. I’m a pianist, and love jazz and classical music. Musicals are definitely a must for me! My fandoms are Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, the MCU, Hamilton, Percy Jackson, lotr, the Hobbit, Pirates of the Caribbean, Little Woman, Pride and Prejudice, Disney, Twilight, A Fault In Are Stars, Narnia, and Star Wars. So, yeah! I’m excited to join your group!

message 42: by Mary-Therese (new)

Mary-Therese P. | 2987 comments Hi Jordynn, I just read your bio, and I just wanted to say, I'm obsessed with Marurders era too. definitely my favorite part of the hp fandom. nice to meet you!

message 43: by a v a (new)

a v a (httpswwwpinterestcomdoubleaa373) Jordynn wrote: "Hello! I’m Jordynn! I’m a junior in high school, I love sleep, am obsessed with reading, Christian, fangirl, and love Tim Burton and Jim Henson movies. If you get me started with Tom Holland or Tim..."

Omg, Timothee Chalemet is the guy that plays Laurie in the 2019 Little Women! I'm obessed!

(also sry if i posted that twice)

message 44: by EllieJellyBean :D, ⭒assistant mod⭒ (new)

EllieJellyBean :D | 6486 comments Yeah!

message 45: by Amelia (new)

Amelia It’s very nice to meet you both!

message 46: by Natasha (new)

Natasha Joy (tashavk) Hi Jordynn, I just read your bio and want to say good to meet a fellow musical, LOTR, Hobbit, reading, Percy Jackson, Little Woman, Pride and Prejudice, Disney, Starwars, Narnia fan!

message 47: by Lillian (new)

Lillian Keith (imwritehere20) | 21 comments Hi Lily! Thanks so much for the invite!

I'm in my early twenties, I love crafting (needle felting, card-making, and origami to name a few), I'd say I'm more towards the introvert side, and the coolest place I've been to is The Kentucky Derby Museum (don't tell anyone, but they actually have a racehorse grave on the property!)

Um, three random facts (okay, here it goes!):

1.) I love archery (I'm a bit out of practice, but I'm hoping to start again soon).
2.) Homeschool Grad
3.) Most unusual pet... probably raising chickens?

Favorite book? (Ack!! Too many to choose!) XD

message 48: by Amelia (new)

Amelia It’s nice to meet u Lillia!

message 49: by Lily, ⭒on hiatus⭒ (new)

Lily (starlightmoonlight) | 8696 comments Eek! So many posts I missed! Time to read through them now!

message 50: by Lily, ⭒on hiatus⭒ (new)

Lily (starlightmoonlight) | 8696 comments Edna wrote: "Hello there!

I'm a young adult known as Edna Pellen, "E.P." or "Edna." My favorite hobbies include writing fiction (especially high fantasy), crafting in various ways, and studying archaeological+..."

Yep, I asked that question! *wiggles eyebrows* 😂

Wowww how do you collect weapons? I'm really curious to know!!! And yeah, I love the Psalms too! I'm so glad David was so honest with what he wrote because then we know we're not the only ones who go through stuff like he did!

And you're very welcome!!!!! <333 I think I will, but that will have to be after I've replied to everyone else's XD

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