Chicks On Lit discussion
Nominations and Selections
November BOTM Nominations
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message 1:
Oct 21, 2021 10:15AM
Well, November is only 10 days away. Are we up for a November read together? Any suggestions? Hopefully someone nominates a book that is better liked than my nomination for this month, LOL. Everyone in the group is welcome to join in these monthly discussions. It would be great to involve some additional members.
I would be happy to read in November with you guys. I will nominate Rumer Godden’s In this House of Brede. I haven’t read anything by her and this one gets good reviews.
I am moving apartments in November and is going to be super busy, so I think I’ll sit this one out but join again in December if you do a group read again.
Does anyone else want to throw a title into the discussion for a November book? Do we want to go with This House of Brede?