Lena's Reviews > The Moonlit Garden

The Moonlit Garden by Corina Bomann
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really liked it
bookshelves: kindle-first, great-romance, romance, made-me-cry

The romance was so good I cried. Real tears over two characters I met over scarcely a hundred pages. Amazing.

What wasn't good: The secondary flashback "romance." Whenever the white married aristocrat tells the half native girl he's really just engaged you know that story is going to suck. Also all of the twists and turns reach more than less predictable conclusions.

I don't care. I just tinder swiped that stuff for more Lilly and Gabriel. That the author is German just crushed every cold stereotype I unworthily had. I immediately looked for more books by this author but they are all in German! No!!! Someone translate them immediately!

I've read so many romance novels but Lilly and Gabriel hit just the right balance, just the right note, to fill me with that brilliant rush of vicarious true love. Thank you Corina Bomann.

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Reading Progress

January 13, 2016 – Started Reading
January 13, 2016 – Shelved
January 13, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
January 13, 2016 – Shelved as: kindle-first
January 13, 2016 –
20.0% "I was suppose to be sleeping and then this story walked into my life and there went my good intentions."
January 13, 2016 –
68.0% "Loving the modern romance and the secondary 19th century story following the violin should be getting better."
January 14, 2016 –
99.0% "Epilogue tomorrow after sleep. I am just getting so lucky with the good books this year!"
January 22, 2016 – Shelved as: great-romance
January 22, 2016 – Finished Reading
May 16, 2016 – Shelved as: romance
November 30, 2018 – Shelved as: made-me-cry

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