Real Quotes

Quotes tagged as "real" Showing 121-150 of 786
“I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity; but am I not alone, miserably alone? You, my creator, abhor me; what hope can I gather from your fellow-creatures, who owe me nothing?”
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
tags: real

Marcel Proust
“one cannot properly describe human life unless one bathes it in the sleep into which it plunges night after night and which sweeps round it as a promontory is encircled by the sea…Indeed, what one has meant to do during the day it turns out, sleep intervening, that one accomplishes only in one's dreams, that is to say after it has been diverted by drowsiness into following a different path from that which one would have chosen when awake. The same story branches off and has a different ending. When all is said, the world in which we live when we are asleep is so different that people who have difficulty in going to sleep seek first of all the escape from the waking world. After having desperately, for hours on end, with their eyes closed, resolved in their minds thoughts similar to those which they would have had with their eyes open, they take heart again on noticing that the preceding minute has been weighed down by a line of reasoning in strict contradiction to the laws of logic and the reality of the present, this brief 'absence' signifying that the door is now open through which they may perhaps presently be able to escape from the perception of the real, to advance to a resting-place more or less remote from it, which will mean having a more or less 'good' night. But already a great stride has been made when we turn our backs on the real, when we reach the outer caves in which 'auto suggestions' prepare—like witches—the hell-broth of imaginary illnesses or of the recurrence of nervous disorders, and watch for the hour when the spasms which has been building up during the unconsciousness of sleep will be unleashed with sufficient force to make sleep cease.”
Marcel Proust, The Guermantes Way

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
Shakespeare, The Tempest
tags: real

Madeline Miller
“I was shy and silent with all but Achilles.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
tags: real

Kasie West
“Just because you can't see the future, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You don't have to see everything clearly or know exactly where you're going to move forward.”
Kasie West, Moment of Truth
tags: life, real

“So... are you gonna show me how you squirt or what?”
Noah Centineo
tags: real

“Because pirates aren't supposed to look like you look and talk like you talk and do what you do. You're confusing, and it's messing with my head."
"How is that my fault? I'm sure your head was plenty messed up before I came along.”
Tricia Levensellerevenseller

Veronica Roth
“Je crois que c'est toi qui ment. Tu prétends que tu m'aimes et que tu me fais confiance, mais à la seconde où cette confiance, cet amour, sont mis à l'épreuve, tout ça part en fumée. Alors Tobias, c'est toi qui devait me mentir en me disant tout ça. C'est toi car je ne veux pas croire que ce prétendu amour soit si fragile. Je suis toujours celle qui aurait préféré mourir plutôt que te tuer. Je suis exactement celle que tu crois. Et je sais que cette information va tout changer. Elle va changer tout ce qu'on a fait et tout ces qu'on s'apprête à faire."
- Tris à Tobias, Divergente (T2- L'insurrection),”
Veronica Roth, Insurgent

Colleen Hoover
Colleen Hoover, Verity
tags: humor, real

Alejandro Mos Riera
“Cada lápiz esconde en su interior miles de dibujos. La tarea del artista es hacer visibles estos nuevos mundos dibujados. Dibujar es descubrir.”
Alejandro Mos Riera

Michela Murgia
“Ogni distinzione tra reale e virtuale, quando si tratta dell'interiorità delle persone, è quindi prima di tutto inutile, perché impedisce di capire l'altrə e non genera alcun incontro, ed è in seconda istanza dannosa, perché stabilisce una gerarchia di valore tra le esperienze, distinguendole in vere e false anche a prescindere da cosa ne pensi chi le ha vissute.”
Michela Murgia, God Save the Queer: Catechismo femminista

Michela Murgia
“Trovo sempre sconcertante quando qualcuno mi dice: «Non bisogna credere a tutto ciò che si vede sui social network, perché spesso non corrispondono alla realtà». Il problema dell'autenticità non è capire quanto il mio profilo corrisponda alla realtà, ma quanto la presunta realtà corrisponda davvero a me, a quello che sono.
Se una persona con un handicap crea un'identità digitale che l'handicap non lo ha e stabilisce relazioni, sta producendo una realtà falsata o ne sta ipotizzando una piú autentica rispetto a sé? Se una persona che appartiene a un'etnia razzializzata si inventa un'identità digitale grazie alla quale le diventano possibili legami con persone che altrimenti non si relazionerebbero mai a lei, sta mentendo o sta producendo una distorsione creativa nella società razzista in cui vive? Se una donna nata in un corpo maschile aggira la disforia di genere attraverso un'identità digitale che corrisponde al genere in cui si riconosce, possiamo parlare di inganno oppure siamo davanti a una realtà piú sincera? Dalla risposta a queste domande dipende molta della nostra capacità di restare uman3 negli ambiti sempre piú postumani del tempo che le nostre vite stanno già attraversando.”
Michela Murgia, God Save the Queer: Catechismo femminista

Dina Husseini
“Behind a screen it's easy to lie, but when someone stands face to face with you, you will never tell them the truth.”
Dina Husseini

Alex Light
“Life didn't have to fit into a four-sided box that was neat and tidy. It was okay if the box had three sides or the fourth one was hanging on with duct tape. It was okay if the corners were dented and if there was a big red FRAGILE sticker on top.”
Alex Light, The Upside of Falling

Brandon Sanderson
“A hero does not choose her trails. She steps into the darkness, then she faces what comes next.”
Brandon Sanderson, Starsight

Brandon Sanderson
“So...,' I said. 'You're saying that by the end of our training, you expect us to be able to use grappling hooks made of energy to smash our enemies with flaming chunks of space debris?' 'Yes.' 'That...,' I whispered, 'that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.”
Brandon Sanderson, Skyward
tags: humor, real

Brandon Sanderson
“Rig,' I declared to him, 'I need science.'
'You need therapy.'
'You need better jokes.'
'You need a better sense of humor.”
Brandon Sanderson, Defiant
tags: humor, real

“It Ain't Easy”
Elijah Kemp
tags: real

“Every Good story needs a villain. But the best villains are those you secretly like.”
Stephanie Garber, Legendarya
tags: real, true

Leigh Bardugo
“Only show weakness when they need to see it, never when you feel it.”
Leigh Bardugo
tags: real

“You're not just a pleasant sight; you're a masterpiece, complete with freckles, quirks, and all! Embrace your unique beauty, and let those freckles shine like constellations in the night sky. After all, it's the imperfections that make you perfectly you. So, flaunt those freckles, embrace your flaws, and rock your individuality like the star you are! Remember, it's not about being flawless; it's about being flawlessly authentic. Keep shining.”
Life is Positive

“Real America, in honor of the hellhound, our beloved Bukowski

You hate America, no, not at all, I love it so much that I can say obvious truths that they themselves do not want to accept. If I criticize myself all the time, why would I stop criticizing others? A poem in honor of the only sincere American, Bukowski. The myth of America tells us of the land of freedom, founded by descendants of intelligent and puritanical Europeans. It's all a load of crap, no, it's the land of slavery, my friends, not just in the sense of slavery of African descendants, but of mental slavery. Yes, the land of the alienated. Eden, created by Angels. This is all a load of crap. Real America, Real America, Strong America, came from the indigenous tribes, from the toil of blacks and the industrious mentality of descendants of Europeans, all lazy, violent and who wanted to get fat like pigs, without worrying about anything. Dirty America that produces clean America, sold in the movies. Why lazy? Well, they don't like to make a lot of effort, and this indolence produces innovation. Is that why they are so creative? Well, they are creative in order to pay well the brains of other nations who go to work there. They knew that numerous wars and constant friction were much worse than anything else and cost money. So? Well, then, let's create a land where everyone can get fat, rich and kill each other, but only as long as the general profit of society increases. Let's sell the excess food, weapons and our gourmet culture to other peoples. It worked. But let's not fool ourselves. America is Golden on the outside and dark on the inside. America is the country of weapons, drugs, fantasies and lies. Above all, lies. See, the mafias that operated there to supply the demand for alcohol, prohibited in order to maintain the pure "spirit" of the drunken bourgeoisie, were all called mafias of other nationalities. But they were all Americans. America is geography, not history or ethnicity. You are an American because of your ties to this immense land blessed by God. Is that what these bastards have done? They have turned their own pain into art and sold it to us in the movies. The weapons, yes, they have to be good and they have to kill quickly. Why? Because Americans are lazy and don't like anything that lasts long. Even wars have to be fought in other countries and if they are too exhausting, they lose their Hollywood shine, so we have to abandon Saigon. Fatness, that is another thing that best represents America. Americans are all obese. Well, at least you can't help but notice them. They are, well, heavy people, especially the Karens. I love Karens, I'm a male Karen, you know. And as for drugs, well, that's the most interesting part. It's the country that consumes them the most, why? Well, maintaining the American dream requires a lot of mescaline. Fat drug addicts with guns sticking out of their own toilets. The toilets in America must hide everything we really want to know. I will probably never get a visa there, thanks to this poem. Still, you can't deny that my writing is anthological. God bless all the Americas. Please don't blow me up, I have poetic license to write these words.”
Geverson Ampolini

Kathy Acker
“I have two main problems: (1) how to earn $200 to $300 per month to eat, pay, rent, without becoming a robot and with my clothes on (2) do what I want which is real, approaches reality. End of my life.)”
Kathy Acker, Portrait of an Eye: Three Novels

“If you display fake qualities you do have to get applause, how do you intend to keep that applause?”
Chidi Ejeagba

“« I see you decided to stand out rather than fit in. »
« I decided to be me, and I’m weird »”
K. F Breene
tags: real

“A part of me was glad Monday wasn't named Friday. It would've been too tragic.”
Tiffany D Jackson

“Searching for real estate agents near you? Nichole DiModica is the trusted local expert. With a deep understanding of the market and a personalized approach, Nichole ensures a seamless experience whether you're buying or selling your home.”

Julieanne O'Connor
“Never risk being face for the sake of being professional.”
Julieanne O'Connor

Melanie Moreland
“A real man likes having something to hold when he makes love to a woman. -Dante”
Melanie Moreland, My Favorite Kidnapper

Arnhild Lauveng
“It became increasingly clear that I was uncomfortable in the role of quiet, nice and good girl.”
Arnhild Lauveng
tags: real