Peter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "peter" Showing 31-60 of 93
Leila Sales
“If you're going to have the tortured soul of an artist, then you might as well create some art while you're at it.”
Leila Sales, Tonight the Streets Are Ours

Ron Rash
“There Peter was, looking straight into the very eyes of God, walking the Sea of Galilee and then all of the sudden up to his neck in water. Some would argue he lacked the true believing, I say he had enough faith to go it a ways, and when he couldn't go farther Christ fetched him up.

What am I saying? I'm saying that the walk to God ain't easy for the best of us. Now some would say, Preacher, if Peter had misdoubts there in the very glory of the Lord, what of us left here that ain't seen the dead raised nor the leper folk healed. All we seen is hard trial and sorrows. I'd not deny it.

Burdens are plenty in this world and they can pull us down in the lamentation. But the good Lord knows we need to see at least the hem of the robe of glory, and we do. Ponder a pretty sunset or the dogwoods all ablossom. Every time you see such it's the hem of the robe of glory. Brothers and sister, how do you expect to see what you don't seek?

Some claim heaven has streets of gold and all such things, but I hold a different notion. When we’re there, we’ll say to the angels, why, a lot of heaven’s glory was in the place we come from. And you know what them angels will say? They’ll say yes, pilgrim, and how often did you notice? What did you seek?”
Ron Rash

Edgar Cantero
“Peter sat as powerless as an overwhelmed female character in a Victorian drama.”
Edgar Cantero, Meddling Kids

Sara Pennypacker
“Peter shifted his backpack and crutches. He took a step toward the bus. Then he turned back. "I'm family?"
"That's as true a thing as I've ever known. Now get on that bus.”
Sara Pennypacker, Pax

Enock Maregesi
“Biblia pamoja na historia vinatwambia kuwa mitume kumi na wawili wa Yesu Kristo waliamua kufa kinyama kama mfalme wao alivyokufa, kwa sababu walikataa kukana imani yao juu ya Yesu Kristo.

Mathayo alikufa kwa ajili ya Ukristo nchini Ethiopia kwa jeraha lililotokana na kisu kikali, Marko akavutwa na farasi katika mitaa ya Alexandria nchini Misri mpaka akafa, kwa sababu alikataa kukana jina la Yesu Kristo.

Luka alinyongwa nchini Ugiriki kwa sababu ya kuhubiri Injili ya Yesu Kristo katika nchi ambapo watu hawakumtambua Yesu.

Yohana alichemshwa katika pipa la mafuta ya moto katika kipindi cha mateso makubwa ya Wakristo nchini Roma, lakini kimiujiza akaponea chupuchupu, kabla ya kufungwa katika gereza la kisiwa cha Patmo (Ugiriki) ambapo ndipo alipoandika kitabu cha Ufunuo. Mtume Yohana baadaye aliachiwa huru na kurudi Uturuki, ambapo alimtumikia Bwana kama Askofu wa Edessa. Alikufa kwa uzee, akiwa mtume pekee aliyekufa kwa amani.

Petro alisulubiwa kichwa chini miguu juu katika msalaba wa umbo la X kulingana na desturi za kikanisa za kipindi hicho, kwa sababu aliwaambia maadui zake ya kuwa alijisikia vibaya kufa kama alivyokufa mfalme wake Yesu Kristo.

Yakobo ndugu yake na Yesu (Yakobo Mkubwa), kiongozi wa kanisa mjini Yerusalemu, alirushwa kutoka juu ya mnara wa kusini-mashariki wa hekalu aliloliongoza la Hekalu Takatifu (zaidi ya futi mia moja kwenda chini) na baadaye kupigwa kwa virungu mpaka akafa, alipokataa kukana imani yake juu ya Yesu Kristo.

Yakobo mwana wa Zebedayo (Yakobo Mdogo) alikuwa mvuvi kabla Yesu Kristo hajamwita kuwa mchungaji wa Injili yake. Kama kiongozi wa kanisa hatimaye, Yakobo aliuwawa kwa kukatwa kichwa mjini Yerusalemu. Afisa wa Kirumi aliyemlinda Yakobo alishangaa sana jinsi Yakobo alivyolinda imani yake siku kesi yake iliposomwa. Baadaye afisa huyo alimsogelea Yakobo katika eneo la mauti. Nafsi yake ilipomsuta, alijitoa hatiani mbele ya hakimu kwa kumkubali Yesu Kristo kama kiongozi wa maisha yake; halafu akapiga magoti pembeni kwa Yakobo, ili na yeye akatwe kichwa kama mfuasi wa Yesu Kristo.

Bartholomayo, ambaye pia alijulikana kama Nathanali, alikuwa mmisionari huko Asia. Alimshuhudia Yesu mfalme wa wafalme katika Uturuki ya leo.
Bartholomayo aliteswa kwa sababu ya mahubiri yake huko Armenia, ambako inasemekana aliuwawa kwa kuchapwa bakora mbele ya halaiki ya watu iliyomdhihaki.

Andrea alisulubiwa katika msalaba wa X huko Patras nchini Ugiriki. Baada ya kuchapwa bakora kinyama na walinzi saba, alifungwa mwili mzima kwenye msalaba ili ateseke zaidi. Wafuasi wake waliokuwepo katika eneo la tukio waliripoti ya kuwa, alipokuwa akipelekwa msalabani, Andrea aliusalimia msalaba huo kwa maneno yafuatayo: "Nimekuwa nikitamani sana na nimekuwa nikiitegemea sana saa hii ya furaha. Msalaba uliwekwa wakfu na Mwenyezi Mungu baada ya mwili wa Yesu Kristo kuning’inizwa juu yake." Aliendelea kuwahubiria maadui zake kwa siku mbili zaidi, akiwa msalabani, mpaka akaishiwa na nguvu na kuaga dunia.

Tomaso alichomwa mkuki nchini India katika mojawapo ya safari zake za kimisionari akiwa na lengo la kuanzisha kanisa la Yesu Kristo katika bara la India.

Mathiya alichaguliwa na mitume kuchukua nafasi ya Yuda Iskarioti, baada ya kifo cha Yuda katika dimbwi la damu nchini India. Taarifa kuhusiana na maisha na kifo cha Mathiya zinachanganya na hazijulikani sawasawa. Lakini ipo imani kwamba Mathiya alipigwa mawe na Wayahudi huko Yerusalemu, kisha akauwawa kwa kukatwa kichwa.

Yuda Tadei, ndugu yake na Yesu, aliuwawa kwa mishale alipokataa kukana imani yake juu ya Yesu Kristo.

Mitume walikuwa na imani kubwa kwa sababu walishuhudia ufufuo wa Yesu Kristo, na miujiza mingine. Biblia ni kiwanda cha imani. Tunapaswa kuiamini Biblia kama mitume walivyomwamini Yesu Kristo, kwa sababu Biblia iliandikwa na mitume.”
Enock Maregesi

“Let men position you in the den, God will make you a Daniel in the den. Let men position you to face Goliath, God will make you a David. Let men subject you to undue pressure, torture and pain, blindfold you and lead you into the dungeon, God will make you a Samson there! Let men sell you into indentured servitude, God will make you Joseph. Let men build a death trap for you, God shall turn it into the days of Mordecai and Haman and you shall only see with your eyes the destruction of evil conspirators who would never repent! Let all odds be against you, God will make you Job. And when though fear grips your heart because of the storm you see, God will empower you and make you more than Peter. Stay hopeful! Trust in God!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
“His face was glistening with cold. He was beautiful, the snow in his eyelashes like diamonds, the cool pink of his cheeks, the wet red of his lips. He was staggering toward her.
"I have to leave you." His breath came in uneven bursts. "You won't be safe with me."
Whatever he was, he could not be bad. An amazing and terrible thought entered Valerie's mind, clearing away all others.
She stepped toward him, arms out. They gave in to each other, finally, their bodies fitting together. Her fingers warmed his cheek, and his arms slipped underneath her crimson cloak as her long blond hair blew around them. Enveloped in a shelter of white, standing out in black and red, were just the two of them. Nothing else anywhere. Valerie knew that she could never be apart from him, that she was what he was and that she would be his always.
She didn't care if he was the Wolf or not. And if he was a Wolf, then she would be one, too.
She made he choice and brought her lips to his.”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Veronica Roth
“I have to think of this as a mental exercise, not a physical exercise. So I spend the first few minutes practicing without a knife, finding the right stance, learning the right arm motion.
Eric paces too quickly behind us.
“I think the Stiff’s taken too many hits to the head!” remarks Peter, a few people down. “Hey, Stiff! Remember what a knife is?”
Ignoring him, I practice the throw again with a knife in hand but don’t release it. I shut out Eric’s pacing, and Peter’s jeering, and the nagging feeling that Four is staring at me, and throw the knife. It spins end over end, slamming into the board. The blade doesn’t stick, but I’m the first person to hit the target.
I smirk as Peter misses again. I can’t help myself.
“Hey, Peter,” I say. “Remember what a target is?”
Veronica Roth, Divergent

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
“Peter," she began. He looked up at her, and she could see the pain in his eyes. "I love you," she said freely. With Peter, she was laid bare; he extracted her from herself.
Peter didn't know what to say. HIs eyes glimmered, bright and burning. He only let her see them a moment before he turned away. He took a ragged breath.
"What were you doing with Rose anyway" she demanded, asking a lot of him.
Peter darkened again. He turned his back to her, took a step farther into the alley, and said in a dead voice, "I don't have to like her
to get what I want."
"I don't believe you," Valerie said, reaching for his face, again. Peter pulled away from her. "You're lying.”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Chris Weitz
“Well," I say, "we're practically there."
"Where?" says Jefferson.
"The future.”
Chris Weitz, The New Order

Leo Tolstoy
“It became clear to him that all the dreadful evil he had been witnessing in prisons and jails and the quiet self-satisfaction of the perpetrators of this evil were the consequences of men trying to do what was impossible; trying to correct evil while being evil themselves...Now he saw clearly what all the terrors he had seen came from, and what ought to be done to put a stop to them. The answer he could not find was the same that Christ gave to Peter. It was that we should forgive always an infinite number of times because there are no men who have not sinned themselves, and therefore none can punish or correct others.”
Leo Tolstoy

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
He straightened, his back to her like a wall. Then, slowly, he turned his face toward her and met her eyes. His gaze sliced through her like a knife.
Before she could stop herself, she asked, "Do you remember—"
He took a step toward her. She felt the hear flare up between them.
"How could I forget?”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright

The third toll of the church bells hovered in the air, and everything became still. Someone in the village had died. Valerie froze.
A forth toll shattered the silence. The world split open, exposing a raw inside.
Valerie and Peter looked at each other first in confusion, then in awful understanding.
The fourth bell meant only one thing: Wolf attack.
She had never heard the fourth bell except for the time she and Peter had rung it themselves.
With those bells, Valerie knew.
Life would never be the same,”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
“Maybe Father Auguste is right," Henry started thoughtfully, rising from a bench. "Maybe we should wait."
From the back of the tavern, Peter stifled a burst of laughter. Henry gripped the edge of the table.
Adrian turned to Henry with a withering glare.
"Maybe, my son," Adrian said quietly, "you should find your courage."
Henry took a labored breath.
"You want to hunt the Wolf?" He narrowed his eyes, spurned. "All right, then. Let's hunt it.”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
“For Lucie," Peter said quietly, the flame of a gilded saint's candle fluttering in his hand."
Peter had anticipated this reaction and was prepared. He cleared his throat. "I'm paying my respects," he said, still trying to be polite. The woman was grieving for her daughter.
"I can guess the reason you're here. I've just lost one daughter," she said, her hand on the door. "I won't lose another."
"She's all I have left," she said. "And you have nothing to offer her."
Peter knew that she was right, that Valerie deserved better. But he could not give her up.
"I have a trade. The same one as your husband."
"I know what a woodcutter earns."
Peter began to protest, but Suzette stopped him. "Henry Lazar is her only hope for a better life."
Peter looked into Suzette's anguished eyes, her words hitting him somewhere deep. It sank in: He could not give Valerie a good life.
"If you love her," Suzette said, her voice cracking, "you'll leave her alone.”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
“What was that about?" Henry's voice came out higher than he would have liked.
"Shh." Peter's eyes shifted around the square.
"I thought you cared about her," Henry said, careful to steady his voice this time.
Peter rubbed his eyes and hen opened them, hoping to find that Henry had gone. He hadn't.
"I do care." Peter sighed, seeing that we would have to give a genuine answer, that Henry wouldn't take anything less. "But" —Peter nodded in the direction of the tavern, where the Captain was— "I'm trying to be smart about it.”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
“You've been betrothed."
Her hand dropped from the unruly seam at her shoulder. She stared straight ahead at his sun-touched skin.
"To...Henry Lazar." It wasn't easy for him to say the name.
Valerie felt something fall to the floor of her stomach like a wet rag.
"No," she said, not wanting to believe him. "No, no," she told his chest.
Peter stood mute, wishing he could tell her what she wanted to hear.
"It's not possible," she said.
"It is. I'm telling you, it's done.”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
“Do you want to marry him?" Peter stopped in front of her, pressing close.
"You know I don't."
"Do I? Do we know each other anymore? It's been a long time. I'm not the same person I was."
"You are," she insisted. "I know who you are." She knew it was ridiculous, to feel so strong so fast...but she did. It just felt like they belonged together. She took his hand and held it tight.
His face softened. "All right, then. There may be one way,,,." he said out to the faint silver hue of the moors on the horizon.
Valerie looked at him blankly, her mind racing off on its own.
"We could run away," he said, speaking her mind before she's quite reached the thought. He came even closer, almost touching his forehead to hers.
"Run away with me," he repeated the words, smiling a real smile, full and dark, in that terrifying way he had, as though his actions were self-contained, as though there were no consequences. She wanted to be a part of his ripple-less world.
"Where would we go?"
His lips brushed her ear. "Anywhere you want," he said. "The sea, the city, the mountains..."
Anywhere. With him.
He pulled back to look at her. "You're afraid."
"No, I'm not."
"You'd leave your home? Your family? Your whole life?"
"I-I think I would. Anything to be with you." She heard herself saying it and realized it was true.
Valerie pretended to think a moment, for show, to be able to tell herself she had.
Then, almost meekly, "Yes."
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
He couldn’t look at her. Instead, he stared down at his
poisoned arm.
“I could do terrible things to you,” he cautioned her
sadly. “I have to leave you. You won’t be safe with me until
I learn to control myself.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
Finally, when he felt the strength of his conviction, of
her conviction, he turned to her, allowing her in for just a
“I thought you’d say that.”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood Bonus Chapter

Felix Wantang
“When you compromise the word of God without remorse, it is an indication that you were never deeply rooted in Jesus Christ. Peter was remorseful. Luke 22:54-62.”
Felix Wantang, Spiritual Wisdom from Jesus Christ: Volume One

Gemma Malley
“Bizim birbirimize ait olduğumuzu söyledi: çünkü o bir çiçekle doğmuş, ben de bir kelebekle... Hayatta kalabilmek için çiçekle kelebeklerin birbirine ihtiyacı varmış.”
Gemma Malley, The Declaration

Gemma Malley
“Artık gereksiz demekti. İstenmeyen demekti.
Size ihtiyaç duyan biri varken Artık olamazdınız. Sizi seven biri varken Artık olamazdınız.”
Gemma Malley, The Declaration

Gemma Malley
“Peter, ona sarı bir çiçek uzattı ve "Bu senin için," dedi gururla. "Bir nergis." Sonra kulağına eğilerek, "Doğuya gittiğimizde her yanımız çiçeklerle dolu olacak. Kelebeğim için rengârenk çiçekler.”
Gemma Malley, The Declaration

Criss Jami
“The typical modernist is of course only content with lukewarm Christians. These are many of the Christians who likewise regularly deride and demean the Bride of Christ in order to maintain a certain self-image, to keep a safe distance. I am afraid that this is one of today's equivalents of denying Jesus under pressure.”
Criss Jami

Geerhardus Vos
“Now in this sense also, I take it, Peter affirms that believers have been begotten again unto a living hope. In all probability the representation, while applicable to all believers, was influenced to some extent by the apostle’s memory of his own experience. There had been a moment in his previous life when all at once, in the twinkling of an eye as it were, he had been translated from a world of despair into a world of hope. It was when the fact of the resurrection of Christ flashed upon him. Under the two-fold bitterness of his denial of the Lord and of the tragedy of the cross, utter darkness had settled down upon his soul. Everything he expected from the future in connection with Jesus had been completely blotted out. Perhaps he had even been in danger of losing the old hope which as a pious Israelite he cherished before he knew the Lord. And then suddenly, the whole aspect of things had been changed. The risen
Christ appeared to him and by his appearance wrought the resurrection of everything that had gone down with him into the grave. No, there was far more here for Peter than a mere resurrection of what he had hoped in before. It was the birth of something new that now, for the first time, disclosed itself to his perception. His hope was not given back to him in its old form. It was regenerated in the act of restoration. Previously it had been dim, undefined, subject to fluctuations; sometimes eager and enthusiastic, sometimes cast down and languishing; in many respects earthly, carnal and incompletely spiritualized. Apart from all of these defects, his previous hope had been a bare one, which could only sustain itself by projection into the future, but which lacked that vital support and nourishment in a present substantial reality without which no religious hope can permanently subsist.

Through the resurrection of Christ, all these faults were corrected; all these deficiencies supplied. For Peter looked upon the risen Christ as the beginning, the firstfruits of that
new world of God in which the believer’s hope is anchored. Jesus did not rise as he had been before, but transformed, glorified, eternalized, the possessor and author of a transcendent heavenly life at one and the same time, the revealer, the sample and the pledge of the future realization of the true kingdom of God. No prolonged course of training could have been more effective for purifying and spiritualizing the apostle’s hope than this single, instantaneous experience; this bursting upon him of a new form of eternal life, concrete and yet all-comprehensive in its prophetic significance. Well might the apostle say that he himself had been begotten again unto a new hope through the resurrection of Christ from the dead. And, of course, what was true of him was even more emphatically true of the readers of his epistle, who, if they were believers from the Gentiles, before their conversion had lived entirely without hope and without God in the world.”
Geerhardus Vos, Grace and Glory

“It was not easy for Paul to stand as a mirror and confront Peter's bias towards the Gentiles. He even had to address Barnabas as well, who got swept up in group-think. The majority of the members, including Peter, were satisfied with the way they treated Gentiles. Paul, however, advocated strongly against the evident injustices. Being a Paul and addressing difficult topics on race is what the Church needed then and still needs today. Generally, as a church, we are comfortable with the Peters but feel somewhat awkward around the Pauls because the Pauls push us into an uncomfortable realm. The Pauls are rare but are more precious today than silver and gold.”
Shaun Brooks

“Peter Ghanem Shows The insight and experience of successful leaders and entrepreneurs are valuable sources of inspiration and motivation.”
Peter Ghanem

Kerry  Williams
“That boy is no sun. He is a black hole. He will destroy everything in his path…”
Kerry Williams, Gemini

Tayler Marie Brooks
“Good. I've been so worried about you. It took four days of searching to find you and when I did, your heart was barely beating. I thought you were going to die.”
Tayler Marie Brooks, Sugar Plum Princess

Tayler Marie Brooks
“My kingdom doesn't want me. They'd rather have that tyrant than me. I couldn't find the Sugar Plum Princess. I'm beginning to think she doesn't exist. My father was sure she did. That's why I have been searching still but I think it's time I admit defeat.”
Tayler Marie Brooks, Sugar Plum Princess