Intention Quotes

Quotes tagged as "intention" Showing 181-210 of 511
Dilgo Khyentse
“Everything depends on your intention. All the time, therefore, check your attitude and motivation. As Patrul Rinpoche said, everyone wants happiness, but the true way to reach perfect happiness is to bring happiness to others.”
Dilgo Khyentse, The Heart of Compassion: The Thirty-seven Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva

“Often people say that their intention was right but action was wrong. Having an intention itself is wrong because it makes you the doer of that action. And doer has to bear consequences. Let your body-mind be just an instrument of the supreme.”

George Eliot
“Yes, that's the worst of it. It's a desperately vexatious thing, that after all one's reflections and quiet determinations, we should be ruled by moods that one can't calculate on beforehand.”
George Eliot, Adam Bede

“We have to be motivated by an inner intention instead of our external goals. Otherwise we'll be a slave to those goals and will miss out on the opportunity to truly express ourselves, create massive value and shift the planet. If you start a creative project like to write a book and you don't have an inner intention for why you are doing it then your mind will latch on to the need for a specific outcome and ask questions like "how can I write a book people will like'' or "what sells?". If you don't lead with an inner intention that is driving you forward and listening to the inspiring creativity of your heart then you will be victim to the external results and opinions of other people. If I was writing this book for an external result I wouldn't be able to do it. Instead everyday when I write I have a powerful intention for unfolding into more of what I am and creating a deeper connection with myself and the wisdom that is coming through. I want to see what I become more than I want to see what I get from it.”
Kyle Cease, The Illusion of Money: Why Chasing Money Is Stopping You from Receiving It

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Reality bends to your wish when you hold the vision of what you want with unbending intent.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

“It’s a waste of energy and time arguing with unwise people, for their sole intention is not only for you to stoop to their level, but for you to act out of character.”
Charmaine J. Forde

Brant Menswar
“If you are not living with deliberate intention, you're winging it.”
Brant Menswar, Black Sheep: Unleash the Extraordinary, Awe-Inspiring, Undiscovered You

“Time and close attention will always reveal people’s true intentions.”
Nadine Sadaka Boulos

Theo Christodoulou
“To Projēct Sunlight is to spread life, with the intention to make it as deep and meaningful an experience as possible. Authenticity and freedom of expression put into music.”
Theo Christodoulou

Kurian Mathew Tharakan
“Be intrigued by what is left unsaid. The void always contains hidden information, motives, and intentions.”
Kurian Mathew Tharakan

“No matter what stories others tell us, their actions will always reveal their true intentions.”
Charles F Glassman

Alexandre Dumas
“I shall see you again, if I have to set the world on fire for that." - The Three Musketeers”
Alexandre Dumas, The Four Musketeers

Samuel Butler
“Papas and mammas sometimes ask young men whether their intentions are honourable toward their daughters. I think young men might occasionally ask papas and mammas whether their intentions are honourable before they accept invitations to houses where there are still unmarried daughters.”
Samuel Butler, The Way of All Flesh

Shelley    Brown
“I cleaned out my closet and threw out the clothes that didn’t fit, the clothes that were old, the clothes that were stained, the clothes that were tight, and the clothes that were loose until there was nothing in my closet.

I stand here naked, and see who I really am.”
Shelley Brown, Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z

Premlatha Rajkumar
“There are two simple ways to create this window of connection with your Divine Self:

When you are about to sleep or about to wake up, there is a short period where you are neither awake or asleep. This is when your mind is switched off, and you are directly connected with your Divine Self. Enter into silence, ask your Divine Self to draw you to itself. Then if you would like, ask for guidance, insight, or an answer.
During the day you can take time out away from all gadgets, sit quietly, close your eyes, notice your breath, and give intention to make contact with your Divine Self, be open and receptive to all the inspiration and love offered to you.”
Premlatha Rajkumar, BE INSPIRED: 365 Inspiring Thoughts

Brant Menswar
“High-performing teams use deliberate intention to align personal and organizational values.”
Brant Menswar, Black Sheep: Unleash the Extraordinary, Awe-Inspiring, Undiscovered You

Ijeoma Oluo
“Don't insist that people give you credit for your intentions.”
Ijeoma Oluo, So You Want to Talk About Race

Dolly Chugh
“Words are less important than intentions, and if your intention is to be supportive, silence is rarely the way to go.”
Dolly Chugh, The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias

Santosh    Kumar
“God awards supreme power to those who truly pray and whose intention is pure.”
Santosh Kumar (San)

“You need intention because it leads to intimacy, and you need focus because it leads to manifestation. But most importantly, you need sensuality because it leads to the ultimate fulfillment of all your desires.”
Lebo Grand

Kris Franken
“My prayer is that all beings live free and breathe easy.”
Kris Franken, The Call of Intuition: How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinct & Insight

“These days, people of all religions and sects have this thought process in common: "God is with me because my heart and intentions are pure. Yes, my head is messy but my heart is pure. Yes, I did this and that but my intentions were not wrong." If everybody is so pure and pious, why is there so much pain and misery in this world?”

William McDonough
“Design is the first signal of human intention. When we look at plastics in our environment, if it's our intention to do these things then we must question our intentions. If it's not our intention, then what's our plan? The question becomes how we can behave in a way that works.”
William McDonough

“Instinct is never intention.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Sarvesh Jain
“There is so much difference between thank you and thank you so much.”
Sarvesh Jain

Drishti Bablani
“When attempting to understand people "Intention" is worth most attention.
When attempting to actualize goals "Intention" alone is worthless without skillful execution.”
Drishti Bablani

Shelley    Brown
“I once smoked on a horse. Why? The opportunity just happen to present itself and I just happen to atop a western saddle and it just seemed right.”
Shelley Brown, Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z

Shelley    Brown
“My teeth were now as white as Chiclets, but hey you can never be too thin, too rich or have white enough teeth. If you ever want to see the results, I’ll send you some of my wedding photos where I am straining to get the most teeth visibility possible.”
Shelley Brown, Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z