Horses Quotes

Quotes tagged as "horses" Showing 151-180 of 436
Nicholas Evans
“There was death at the beginning as there would be death again at its end. Though whether it was some fleeting shadow of this that passed across the girl’s dreams and woke her on that least likely of mornings she would never know. All she knew, when she opened her eyes, was that the world was somehow altered.

The red glow of her alarm showed it was yet a half hour till the time she had set it to wake her and she lay quite still, not lifting her head, trying to configure the change. It was dark but not as dark as it should be. Across the bedroom, she could clearly make out the dull glint of her riding trophies on cluttered shelves and above them the looming faces of rock stars she had once thought she should care about. She listened. The silence that filled the house was different too, expectant, like the pause between the intake of breath and the uttering of words. Soon there would be the muted roar of the furnace coming alive in the basement and the old farmhouse floorboards would start their ritual creaking complaint. She slipped out from the bedclothes and went to the window.

There was snow. The first fall of winter. And from the laterals of the fence up by the pond she could tell there must be almost a foot of it. With no deflecting wind, it was perfect and driftless, heaped in comical proportion on the branches of the six small cherry trees her father had planted last year. A single star shone in a wedge of deep blue above the woods. The girl looked down and saw a lace of frost had formed on the lower part of the window and she placed a finger on it, melting a small hole. She shivered, not from the cold, but from the thrill that this transformed world was for the moment entirely hers. And she turned and hurried to get dressed.”
Nicholas Evans, The Horse Whisperer

Anna Sewell
“Well, I don't think she does have pleasure, it is just a bad habit”
Anna Sewell, Black Beauty

Dipa Sanatani
“She knew freedom once, a long time ago. She barely remembers it anymore. The man stands there baffled. She stares at the man who's loved her all these years. She's scared of the wild now. She's been tamed by his nurture.”
Dipa Sanatani, The Merchant of Stories: A Creative Entrepreneur's Journey

Anna Sewell
“Of course I did not understand all he said, but I learned more and more to know what he meant”
Anna Sewell, Black Beauty

Judith McNaught
“I can’t understand why men are allowed to straddle a horse, while we - who are supposed to be the weaker sex - must hang off the side, praying for our lives.”
Judith McNaught, Whitney, My Love

“Maybe he didn't realize it then, but David saved my life. He brought me to the horses, he showed me a world I never knew existed. He was the first person to lift me onto a pony. The first person to lead me around the ring. He opened the door that changed everything for me. He handed me the map that led me out of the same streets that would take his life so many years later.

When it came to his safety, David has always been fearless, reckless even. But when it came to me, his little brother, he didn't let me take a single chance. He delivered me to the best, safest place he could find, and then, as always, he slipped away.”
Kareem Rosser, Crossing the Line: A Fearless Team of Brothers and the Sport That Changed Their Lives Forever

Erin  Forbes
“And I learned this long ago, that sweet freedom can be found in the middle of a meadow, upon the back of a faithful mare. Careless and wild we both shall be, on our ride across familiar fields, with steps that blend into the earth below.”
Erin Forbes

“Sometimes I liked to forget about the fact that Cholo was not really my horse. Sometimes I liked to imagine that he would be the first of my string of ponies. That someday I would ride him as I made the winning goal at nationals. That much later, he would retire to the greenest, lushest pasture on my farm, where maybe he'd teach my own kids to ride like Angel had taught me. I would visit him every day and bring him an apple and scratch his nose where it had gone gray.

Sometimes I just liked to imagine that someone—anyone— I loved could stay.”
Kareem Rosser, Crossing the Line: A Fearless Team of Brothers and the Sport That Changed Their Lives Forever
tags: horses

Christopher Buehlman
“This heavy, grass-loving dog,”
Christopher Buehlman, The Blacktongue Thief

Suzy  Davies
“My horse knows that when I’m grown,
we’ll ride the prairies all alone,
drivin’ cattle ’cross dusty plains,
in the saddle, sun and rain.
I’ll never need the finest clothes
nor put my hair in pretty bows,
with cowgirl boots and cowgirl hat,
nothin’ fancy’s where it’s at.

From "Cowgirl Dreams,”
Suzy Davies, Celebrate The Seasons

“I would have done just about anything to be part of this new world we had stumbled into. Maybe I didn't have the words for it yet, but I instinctually knew that the barn was safer, better, than home—an island in the middle of all the trouble that we couldn't escape otherwise. And I was determined to do anything I could to keep coming back.”
Kareem Rosser, Crossing the Line: A Fearless Team of Brothers and the Sport That Changed Their Lives Forever
tags: horses

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The most important thing human beings need to do about wild horses is to ensure that they remain wild horses!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Peter Carey
“The murders were so ghastly you might think it peculiar that Lucinda, no matter how lonely she might be, would leave her house at all, or, accepting the peculiarity, you may wrongly attribute great courage to her when you hear she had driven, unaccompanied, through streets that were still, for the most part, unlighted. Further, she was by no means insensible to this murderer. She was informed that he was, in all likelihood, a butcher or, the press suggested, an unsuccessful apprentice.”
Peter Carey

Lisa Kleypas
“With every single horse I own, I often lay the reins on his neck and let him move forward to find his own natural balance and gait. I've seen far too many overbearing riders constantly manage and adjust the horse to force its obedience. Every little toss of the head or momentary hesitation is corrected. A variety of torturous bits, spurs, and straps are employed to make it submit. Some horses endure such treatment, but far more are ruined by it. Always let a horse be a horse." He paused. "Do you take my meaning?"
"Aye, milord."
"Was an analogy really necessary, Westcliff?" Kingston asked. "You could have simply said, 'Please be kind to my headstrong daughter and don't break her spirit.'"
"Force of habit," the earl said. "None of my sons pay attention unless it's horses.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Disguise

Jonathan Renshaw
“no man was permitted to smell worse than his horse”
Jonathan Renshaw, Dawn of Wonder

Amy Wolf
“Nikólaos,” said Helen, “you must show your father respect. He is in charge of all centaurs, beloved by the gods, and immortal.”
“But ignores his own son,” Nick said bitterly. He turned to his dad. “So, how many of us kids are there? Enough to run the Derby?”
Amy Wolf, The Twelve Labors of Nick

Roseanna M. White
“The horse was as black as midnight and as skittish as a phantom....”
Roseanna M. White, The Lost Heiress

Arlene Stafford-Wilson
“The crows squawked and scattered from their perch on wooden rail fence, as the rhythmic clip-clop of the horse's hooves grew louder.”
Arlene Stafford-Wilson, Lanark County Collection: Winding Our Way Down Memory Lane

Josef Winkler
“In the clay vessel where the putrid-smelling bone stock was rendered from the bones of slaughtered animals, to be painted on the horses with a black crow's feather around the eyes & nostrils and on the belly, to protect them from the mosquitoes and horseflies...”
Josef Winkler, When the Time Comes

Ellery Adams
“Racing is not what it used to be. The purity's gone. In the beginning, people lived or the thunder of hoofs against the brown dirt track. Horses were treated like royalty. Now, they're like slaves.”
Ellery Adams, Pecan Pies and Homicides

Samuel Beckett
“MRS ROONEY: [...] I was hoping he might shed a little light on my lifelong preoccupation with horses' buttocks.”
Samuel Beckett, All That Fall
tags: horses

Lara Prior-Palmer
“The right to buck off a human being is one of the universal rights of horses”
Lara Prior-Palmer, Rough Magic: Riding the World's Loneliest Horse Race
tags: horses

Lara Prior-Palmer
“Horse smell is the same the world over”
Lara Prior-Palmer, Rough Magic: Riding the World's Loneliest Horse Race
tags: horses

Lara Prior-Palmer
“Around the world your horse is often seen as a reflection of your character.”
Lara Prior-Palmer, Rough Magic: Riding the World's Loneliest Horse Race
tags: horses

Debbie Burgermeister
“Ride Relax Enjoy, Run Free with Horses”
Debbie Burgermeister
tags: horses

Debbie Burgermeister
“A Horse Girl Life
I am what you call a “horse crazy girl”. Everything in my life is horses!
You should give it a whirl because there are many choices!
The fun and friendships. And feelings of freedom running free!
Grab some chips, you might be gone a while. Head for the stables, filled with glee! Unconditional love with your best friends. Tell them your secrets and they won’t tell a soul.
No need to look fancy or follow the trends. Just the wind in your hair riding to the grassy knoll.
Nothing compares to a horse by your side, so follow your Dreams!”
Debbie Burgermeister
tags: horses

Donna Grant
“Abby used to tell him that someone would come to his place one day that he wished he would've picked up for.

And wouldn't you know it, that time had finally come.”
Donna Grant, My Favorite Cowboy

Karl May
“Ein hastiger Renner ist nicht immer das schnellste Pferd.”
Karl May, Von Bagdad nach Stambul

Mary Alice Monroe
“Every Owner's nightmare was to get stuck in traffic w / a trailer full of horses and a hurricane approaching.”
Mary Alice Monroe, The Summer Guests
tags: horses

Maria V. Snyder
“True to a point, but I didn't think it would be a good idea to tell Cahil that his horse had asked me for some milk oats. And I was certain he didn't want to know that his own horse had called him Peppermint Man.”
Maria V. Snyder, Magic Study