Family Relationships Quotes

Quotes tagged as "family-relationships" Showing 211-240 of 1,025
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“My father was still there, sitting on my rocking chair.
We studied each other for a moment as I lay in bed.
"You were looking for me," he said.
I looked at him.
"In your dream. You were looking for me."
"I'm always looking for you," I whispered.”
Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

Emi Yagi
“Maybe that's making a family is all about: creating an environment in which people make space for one another - maybe without even trying, just naturally, to make sure that nobody's forgotten.”
Emi Yagi, Diary of a Void

Emily St. John Mandel
“There's a low-level, specific pain in having to accept that putting up with you requires a certain generosity of spirit in your loved ones.”
Emily St. John Mandel, Sea of Tranquility

Bernardo E. Lopes
“Something about it could say something about himself. Where did that burning flame inside of him come from? His continuous grudge and his eagerness to feel resentment, how easy it was for him not only to like something, but love it as if his life depended on it? He needed to know the History. He needed certainties about questions he had about himself—whatever certainty it was. Maybe understanding where all of that came from would make it hurt less. He needed to know his truth.”
Bernardo E. Lopes, Dona

Elise Broach
“He was beginning to understand that some of the most irritating that his family did stemmed from the depth of their love. And suddenly it felt wonderful to be worried about and fussed over, to be reclaimed by their messy closeness.”
Elise Broach, Masterpiece

Nedra Glover Tawwab
“Visit the past, but don't stay there.”
Nedra Glover Tawwab, Drama Free: A Guide to Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships

“Hükümdarlar düştü babalardan payımıza. Şanssızız cici prenses. Onlar bize gelene kadar çok başka kişilere önem verir. Ülkeleri, vezirleri, başka kralların oğulları, bir kaşının yayı güzel diye soysuz cariyeleri... hepsini çocuklarından daha çok severler. Biz babalarımız ne derse yaparız. Savaşırız, ölürüz, satılırız ve bür gün tahta geçmek için kardeşlerimizi keseriz. Mesele biz değiliz. Mesele hiçbir zaman biz olmadık.”
Deniz Canan, Larende’nin Varisleri Larende’nin Aynası Kısım -2

“Babalar öldüğünde oğullar kim olduklarını keşfetmeye başlar. Daha öncesinde değil.”
Deniz Canan, Larende’nin Varisleri Larende’nin Aynası Kısım -2

Nedra Glover Tawwab
“You can love your parents and be upset about how they raised you.”
Nedra Glover Tawwab, Drama Free: A Guide to Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships

Rachel HS Ginocchio
“When defining relatedness and family, there are many perspectives. To some, family is about shared genetics. To others, it’s about shared experiences: growing up together, celebrating holidays, going on vacation,
visiting with relatives, and dealing with day-to-day life. To others, it’s a mix of both.”
Rachel HS Ginocchio, Roads to Family: All the Ways We Come to Be

Rachel HS Ginocchio
“Making a human always takes the same three ingredients—an egg cell, a sperm cell, and a uterus. But just how the ingredients come
together is a fascinating tale. With discoveries in science and medicine, we
have insemination and IVF, along with sex, to bring babies into the world. Sometimes the ingredients that created us come from the same people who are raising us. Other times, we don’t share genetics with the people responsible for our care, such as when we are raised by stepparents, adoptive parents, or foster parents. This is also often true when donors and surrogates are involved.”
Rachel HS Ginocchio, Roads to Family: All the Ways We Come to Be

Rachel HS Ginocchio
“When defining relatedness and family, there are many perspectives. To some, family is about shared genetics. To others, it’s about shared experiences: growing up together, celebrating holidays, going on vacation, visiting with relatives, and dealing with day-to-day life. To others, it’s a mix of both.”
Rachel HS Ginocchio

“Even if the bones are broken, they are still connected by tendons.”
Tang Jiuqing, 南禅 [Nan Chan]

Alice Feeney
“When my mother looks in my direction, I feel cold. She is a woman who never hides her seasons, she is winter all year round.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker

Emi Yagi
“Maybe that's what making a family is all about: creating an environment in which people make space for one another - maybe without even trying, just naturally, to make sure that nobody's forgotten.”
Emi Yagi

John Wilkes Booth
“You know that feeling when you kiss your dog's butthole goodnight but it tastes like your uncle's balls?
This means that your dog is family. Feed it to your deformed baby with a side of apple sauce and Chromebook salad.”
John Wilkes Booth, Abraham Lincoln and Boston Corbett, With Personal Recollections of Each

“This is a wonderful read-together book that might encourage little ones to wash up, and settle down for a cozy bedtime story with their loved ones and caregivers. Beautifully written in rhyme, with bright and vibrant cartoon-like illustrations, this book will become a bedtime favorite for children and adults alike.”
Reader's Choice Book Awards

Rasa Bugavičute-Pēce
“Man jāpanāk, lai mammas lūpas nevis sakniebtos aizkaitinājumā, bet automātiski vilktos smaidā, kad kāds par mani runā.”
Rasa Bugavičute-Pēce

Rasa Bugavičute-Pēce
“Un es lepojos ar to, ka mana mamma ar mani lepojas.”
Rasa Bugavičute-Pēce

“My parents firmly believed that I could make up my mind to be happy. I understand now that they were offering me the tools they relied on: willpower, optimism, and self-reliance. But those tools kept slipping out of my grasp, so I reached for the more reliable bingeing and purging to tamp down the emotions trying to surface. My parents and I wanted the same thing: for me to be normal. I longed for a "normal me" more than they did, but none of us understood that I wasn't "moping" and that the attempts to stuff my feeling might come at a high cost. I also heard an implied request that I bury Hawaii and all its terrifying images. Beneath my parents' request thrummed a subtext: Don't think about it, or you'll get upset. Don't get upset, or you'll fall behind on the important work of being a normal teenage girl. Don't talk about it, or you'll upset yourself. Don't talk about it, or you'll upset me. I wanted to be a dutiful daughter, so I buried it the best I could.”
Christie Tate, Group: How One Therapist and a Circle of Strangers Saved My Life

“As to not bestir Joseph, who was fast asleep and snoring, Nellie softly said to him, “You know . . . their departure is rather bittersweet,” she whispered. “I left my siblings. Ma and pa left them. Then my siblings left to find us. Now they have left us so they may find themselves.” Nellie let out a soft chuckle. “Funny how life is.”
LAURA LANGDON, Nobody's Bride: A Nellie Bishop Romance

“Family: Find common ground, then jump up and down.”
Aegelis, Sophizo

Bernardo E. Lopes
“They would be at peace away from each other (he concluded), where they could miss each other, blinded by distance, causing the illusion that they had gotten along merrily when they lived together.”
Bernardo E. Lopes, Dona

Bernardo E. Lopes
“She still has him.”
Bernardo E. Lopes, Dona

“Just because THEY say, it can't be done doesn't mean it can't be done.”
Cynthia Carlisle Fields

Gerald Zgabay
“Adoption has been both a challenging and rewarding experience for our family. By embracing open adoption, we have been able to honor and celebrate the birth families of our children while also providing a loving home for them.”
Gerald Zgabay, Opening Up: Exploring Faith in the Everyday Messiness of Life

Jenelle Leanne Schmidt
“–it was nice to have someone cheering wholeheartedly for him the way that only a sibling could.”
Jenelle Leanne Schmidt, The Orb and the Airship

Mary Tyler Moore
“The Catholic faith gives such hope and solace to its followers as they seek salvation through a litany of shalts and shalt nots, but compassion for our fellows is a quality that requires little knowledge and is, I thin, the true redemption, after all.”
Mary Tyler Moore, After All

Mary Tyler Moore
“The Catholic faith gives such hope and solace to its followers as they seek salvation through a litany of shalts and shalt nots, but compassion for our fellows is a quality that requires little knowledge and is, I think, the true redemption, after all.”
Mary Tyler Moore, After All

“Home is like saliva, it remains in your mouth even when you spit it out”
DJ Bwakali