Design Quotes

Quotes tagged as "design" Showing 211-240 of 825
“Some loose ends need to be tied up
but still their threads are part of the tapestry.
Some loose ends need to be re-woven.
Some need to be pulled and
allowed to lead us where they may ...”
Shellen Lubin

Jarod Kintz
“Of all the books I own, this is the only one I've read twice. It's also the only one I've read once. All my other books are used as decoration, like props to impress visitors.”
Jarod Kintz, I design saxophone music in blocks, like Stonehenge

“Repeated elements encourage comparison of like objects and force our eye to follow from one element to the next, even when those elements only share slight similarities.”
Joshua Field, An Illustrated Field Guide to the Elements and Principles of Art + Design

“Design for humans, not machines. Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves that machines are simply sophisticated tools that are useless without humans.”
Derick David

“Design for humans, not machines. Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves that machines are simply sophisticated tools that are useless without us.”
Derick David

“A visionary is just a person who happens to identify opportunities and solve problems nobody has figured out yet. It's also someone who constantly challenges the status quo.”
Derick David

“To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.”
Milton Glaser
tags: design

stained hanes
“In 2005 software actually had designs. Now everything is flat, colorless, without icons, without borders, gradients, just horrible. Mobile ruined everything, everything is just practical now.”
stained hanes, 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat

“As visual observers, we are drawn to points in our environment, whether a pinpoint of light in the dark or the point where the hand of a clock intersects the circle of numbers on its face. Points serve to lead the viewer’s eye around the composition as they involuntarily focus on beginnings and endings, and moments of convergence or intersection.”
Joshua Field, An Illustrated Field Guide to the Elements and Principles of Art + Design

“We navigate the world largely by recognizing the edges or boundaries between objects which brings shape into the realm of the tangible, connecting it strongly to our sense of physicality and touch.”
Joshua Field, An Illustrated Field Guide to the Elements and Principles of Art + Design

“Form can be a powerful way to invoke the viewer’s tactile memory and mirror our experience of the physical world despite the limitations of two-dimensional images.”
Joshua Field, An Illustrated Field Guide to the Elements and Principles of Art + Design

“When carefully selected for effect, elements and principles can work together to create powerful compositions that communicate with the viewer in ways that go beyond what content alone can accomplish.”
Joshua Field, An Illustrated Field Guide to the Elements and Principles of Art + Design

“When used in combination with the elements, the organizing principles of art and design allow for the infinite combinations that we see when we walk through a museum, read a magazine, or play a video game. These compositions create more than just an image, they can dictate a viewer’s experience of that image.”
Joshua Field, An Illustrated Field Guide to the Elements and Principles of Art + Design

Steven Magee
“When I worked in Florida in 2009, Babcock Ranch was just a design idea.”
Steven Magee

“When you give people enough control over an app or product, they'll do whatever it takes to keep using it—even if it costs them more money.”
Derick David

“Ideas are my religion”
Derick David

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If the journey I am on is of my terribly tedious design, dead ends will likely be my lot. If the journey is of God’s infinitely ingenious design, I will know nothing but horizons. And I have yet to fathom the utterly massive gulf that lay between the two.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Richie Norton
“You can specifically design your work to intentionally create more space, availability and be totally open to pursue new opportunities (or enjoy doing nothing at all). It’s an actual choice.”
Richie Norton

“There are kinds of people and kinds of work. There are people who file and people who pile. There are doers and dreamers.”
George Nelson
tags: design

“Good design is a form of respect—on the part of the producer for the person who will spend hard-earned cash on the product, use the product, own the product.”
David Brown

“The responses of members of the sub-species Non-Designer to their habitat can differ from those of humans in the other sub-species, Designer. The most frequently identified reason for these differences is that design training influences how humans experience the world around themselves.”
Sally Augustin
tags: design

Frank Lloyd Wright
“Architecture is life, or at least life itself taking form. . . the truest record of life as it was lived in the world yesterday, as it is lived today or will ever be lived.”
Frank Lloyd Wright

“When Greek philosopher Thales (546 B.C.) was asked, “What is the most difficult thing in the world?” his answer was, “To know thyself.” Conversely, what is the easiest? “To give advice.”
Chris Do, Pocket Full of Do

“People don't use a product because of the great design; great design helps them use the product.”
Viran Dayaratne

“If someone grows up poor, in a family that struggles to make ends meet, that person might view wealth in a fantastical, idealistic way. If asked to design a logo for a financial institution, they might opt for a representation of money that matches those idealistic feelings, such as… gold, extravagant, glitzy, big! Conversely, if a person grows up well-off, where having lots of money is normal, then their design might be quieter and more corporate. The latter is more universally accepted as “good” design in most classrooms and design spaces. When thinking of how often a student is asked to design something and make it look “expensive,” or “cool” or “trendy,” it becomes clear how the cultural interpretation of those words will affect the fonts, colors, and symbols used to express those concepts.”
Kaleena Sales
tags: design

“We assist enterprises, start-ups, and organizations in developing innovative
concepts and developing websites, digital products, applications, and branding

We have a solid commitment to customer satisfaction and strive to exceed our
customer's expectations with every new project.”

Samantha Bee
“My self-directed ensembles were usually some confused attempt to combine the uniforms of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders with the somber aspect of a Portuguese widow.”
Samantha Bee, I Know I Am, But What Are You?

Robert Christgau
“One of the many foolish things about the fools who compare writing about music to dancing about architecture is that dancing usually is about architecture. When bodies move in relation to a designed space, be it stage or ballroom or living room or gymnasium or agora or Congo Square, they comment on that space”
Robert Christgau