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By Pierre A , Moderator · 2 posts · 74 views
last updated Jul 18, 2016 04:25AM
Has anyone read Religion, the Bible, the Con, the Result?
By ND · 1 post · 7 views
By ND · 1 post · 7 views
last updated Dec 19, 2024 08:52AM
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Im a new atheist and want to read some atheist book. I was a Christian for a year but just this last week I realized how bullshit it was. I need to read The God Delusion soon
By S. Leann · 8 posts · 71 views
By S. Leann · 8 posts · 71 views
last updated Dec 01, 2024 05:15AM
What Members Thought
“Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you’d have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.” ~ Steven Weinberg, Nobel Laureate in physics.
Perhaps the most acerbic of the group being called "the new Atheists"Christopher Hitchens, nevertheless, writes in a witty and accessible way. Having seen several interviews with Mr. Hitchens I couldn't help but to "hear his voice" while reading this book.
God ...more
Perhaps the most acerbic of the group being called "the new Atheists"Christopher Hitchens, nevertheless, writes in a witty and accessible way. Having seen several interviews with Mr. Hitchens I couldn't help but to "hear his voice" while reading this book.
God ...more
As an atheist I did not need Hitchens to convince me to give up religion and I don't think that this book is going to convince anyone who truly believes. However, Hitchens' writing is enjoyable and captivating, at times even funny. He includes both personal accounts and historical examples to support his case and he does so very passionately. To some degree his passion might obscure his point. I felt that he sometimes lost himself in his own personal ramblings before returning to the original qu
Dec 25, 2007
marked it as to-read
"...religion has an enormous multiplier of tribal suspicion and hatred, with members of each group talking of the other in precisely the tones of a bigot. The Christians and Jews eat defiled pig meat and swill poisonous alcohol. Buddhist and Muslim Sri Lankans blamed the wine-oriented Christmas celebrations of 2004 for the immediately following tsunami. Catholics are dirty and have too many children. Muslims breed like rabbits and wipe their bottoms with the wrong hand. Jews have lice in their b
It is worth buying this book for the first chapter alone. Entitled ‘Putting It Mildly’ Hitch lays out his case with elegance, economy and his usual dry penetrating wit.
The rest of the book does not disappoint either. His knowledge of both history and current affairs is encyclopaedic and his humanity shines through.
Highly recommended.
The rest of the book does not disappoint either. His knowledge of both history and current affairs is encyclopaedic and his humanity shines through.
Highly recommended.
This is perhaps the best articulated atheist polemic in recent years. It's not as in depth as Dawkins' God Delusion, but it is written in Hitchens' own inimical style. The prose is tight and terse and Hitchens' unmatched wit is evident throughout.
I've read God is Not Great three times already, and will likely return to it periodically. ...more
I've read God is Not Great three times already, and will likely return to it periodically. ...more
Interesting thoughts, but not too much back up. He basically thinks he's obviously right and anyone who doesn't agree with him is stupid. Dawkins is much better in this genre.
"Religion has run out of justifications. Thanks to the telescope and the microscope, it no longer offers an explanation of anything important."
Feb 02, 2008
marked it as to-read
Mar 29, 2008
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Oct 30, 2008
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Nov 26, 2008
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![Angel Jenkins](
Mar 05, 2010
Angel Jenkins
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Mar 22, 2010
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Jun 22, 2010
rated it
it was amazing
review of another edition